Here And Noun Lyrics Da' T.R.U.T.H.

Here And Noun by Da' T.R.U.T.H.

I want money, I want chicks
I want them shoes girl, I want kicks
We live in a world where evil's reigning supreme
People are living for people places and things

There's the alarm, wake up and yawn
Go to the bathroom, wash under your arms
Grab your coat and say goodbye to your mom's
Your going to school or on your way to the job
16 just a tat on your arm you smoke weed it's like you back at the farm
Just got your license your saving up for a car
16's cool can't wait 'til your 21
You and your dogs are constantly at the mall
Looking at the girls that got you dropping you're jaw
Having conversations bout' how to get them to fall
Plus you like sports so you're running up in them stores
You got your eyes on a jersey you can't afford
So you start to sell to get your paper long
While at the same time you're watching out for the law
Wait a minute is this life na man it's got to be more.

I want money, I want chicks
I want them shoes girl, I want kicks
We live in a world where evil's reigning supreme
People are living for people places and things

Girls going wild selling their souls
With a passion for power lust for control
Controlling men with the body parts that they show
Using what the got to get what they want is the goal
The model themselves after girls in videos
Their hungry for money and so their digging for gold
They look for the dude with the hottest car on the road
15 man and already acting so grown
Their main concern is who's painting their toes
And who's name on their clothes and who's dating who knows who
And so their constantly gossiping on the phone
And shopping until they fold their rottenness to the bone
They really don't like the idea of being alone
They want a man that will love them and take them around the globe
And pamper their soul but if you ask them if their fully satisfied
Then the answer is no.

I want money, I want chicks
I want them shoes girl, I want kicks
We live in a world where evil's reigning supreme
People are living for people places and things

This ain't strange Solomon did the same
Money, power and sex were involved with his name
The richest man to ever live his fame
If he were living today we'd have pictures up in a frame
He was a king a celebrity with a train
At the snap of his fingers bring in a jester to entertain him
A rolling stone different women up in his chamber
He had game pimp blood in his veins
An icon the python of his reign
Anything that he wanted he got it without strain
A thousand wives a lot of guys would have gave
Their right arm to behave like Solomon for a day
Ahhh! But his glory turned into shame
He gave up his soul in exchange for everything that he gained
To satisfy his soul with the stuff he attained
Break the bonds of boredom and rise above the routine
Then he discovered that all that he did was vain
The chasing after the wind and that none of it could sustain him
He recognized that everything he obtained
Was futile the dude tried everything you could name
We ain't no different, matter of fact, we the same
We got an eternal itch we try to scratch it with things
But that don't work 'cause God made human beings
To be dependent on Him, yo, even when in our teens.

I want money, I want chicks
I want them shoes girl, I want kicks
We live in a world where evil's reigning supreme
People are living for people places and things

Here And Noun Video

Here And Noun Info

"Here And Noun" by Da' T.R.U.T.H. is a thought-provoking song that delves into the desires and struggles of individuals in a world consumed by materialism and the pursuit of worldly pleasures. With its catchy beats and introspective lyrics, the song serves as a wake-up call to examine the emptiness and futility of chasing after temporary things.

The song begins by highlighting the common desires many people have - money, material possessions, and relationships. Da' T.R.U.T.H. acknowledges that these desires are prevalent in our society, where evil seems to reign supreme. He emphasizes that people are living for people, places, and things, rather than focusing on what truly matters.

Throughout the song, Da' T.R.U.T.H. presents various scenarios that illustrate the emptiness and temporary satisfaction that comes from pursuing worldly desires. He mentions individuals who are consumed by their obsession with money, fame, and material possessions. These individuals are depicted as constantly seeking fulfillment in these things, yet never finding true satisfaction.

Da' T.R.U.T.H. also addresses the issue of materialism and the objectification of women. He highlights the destructive nature of using one's body to gain power and control, as well as the superficial relationships that are built solely on physical attraction. The lyrics shed light on the emptiness and shallowness of such pursuits, ultimately leaving individuals feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled.

The song draws inspiration from biblical teachings, particularly the story of King Solomon. Da' T.R.U.T.H. references Solomon's pursuit of wealth, power, and pleasure, ultimately realizing the futility of his endeavors. Solomon's story serves as a cautionary tale, reminding listeners that the pursuit of worldly desires will never bring true fulfillment or lasting satisfaction.

The underlying message of "Here And Noun" is to encourage listeners to seek fulfillment in something greater than worldly desires. Da' T.R.U.T.H. challenges us to recognize that true satisfaction can only be found in a relationship with God. He emphasizes the need to break free from the cycle of chasing after temporary things and instead find fulfillment in a deeper spiritual connection.

The song serves as a reminder that our true purpose in life is not to accumulate wealth, possessions, or superficial relationships, but to seek a meaningful and purposeful relationship with God. It encourages listeners to reflect on their own desires and priorities, and to consider whether they are truly pursuing what brings lasting fulfillment and joy.

"Here And Noun" by Da' T.R.U.T.H. is a powerful song that prompts listeners to reevaluate their desires and priorities in light of the emptiness and futility of worldly pursuits. It challenges us to seek true fulfillment in a relationship with God and to find purpose beyond the temporary pleasures of this world. Ultimately, it calls us to live a life that is focused on what truly matters and to find our identity and satisfaction in something greater than people, places, and things.
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