Who You Are To Me Lyrics Big Daddy Weave

Who You Are To Me by Big Daddy Weave

You see yourself in the mirror of the temporary
And you think that your worth is something to be achieved
When your value really is a question of identity
Has it ever crossed your mind who you are to Me?

You're the precious child that I created
(Who you are to Me)
I bought with a price, you're My beloved
(Who you are to Me)

Open your eyes and I'll show you
How to see what I see
If you would just believe that you are
Who you are to Me

Defusing the bomb instilled within the minds of children
You're the life inside a body that refuses to believe
A revelation of My love is waiting just to be received
Won't you let Me show you who you are to Me?

You're the precious child that I created
(Who you are to Me)
I bought with a price, you're My beloved
(Who you are to Me)

Open your eyes and I'll show you
How to see what I see
If you would just believe that you are
Who you are to Me

And I love you so much that I crossed the great divide
And I love you so much that I sent My only Son to die
And there's no one who could ever take your place in My heart
I want you to know that I love you right where you are

You're the precious child that I created
(Who you are to Me)
I bought with a price, you're My beloved
(Who you are to Me)

Open your eyes and I'll show you
How to see what I see
If you would just believe that you are
Who you are to Me

Who you are to Me
Who you are to Me
Who you are to Me

Who You Are To Me Video

Who You Are To Me Info

"Who You Are To Me" is a powerful and uplifting song by Christian band Big Daddy Weave. It speaks to the core of our identity and worth as children of God. The lyrics remind us that our value is not based on our achievements or appearances, but rather on our relationship with our Heavenly Father.

The song starts by addressing the common misconception that our worth is determined by the temporary things of this world. It challenges us to look beyond the mirror of the temporary and recognize that our true worth is found in our identity as God's creation. The song asks the thought-provoking question, "Has it ever crossed your mind who you are to Me?" This line serves as a reminder that God sees us as His precious children, loved and cherished beyond measure.

The chorus continues to affirm our identity in Christ. It declares that we are the precious children that God created and that He bought us with a price. This price refers to the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, where He paid the ultimate price for our sins. Through His death and resurrection, we become God's beloved, forgiven and redeemed.

The song encourages us to open our eyes and see ourselves through God's perspective. It challenges us to believe in our true identity, which is found in Him. God longs to reveal His love and purpose for our lives if only we would believe and trust in Him.

The lyrics of "Who You Are To Me" echo various scripture verses that relate to the theme of our identity in Christ. One example is Ephesians 1:4-5, which says, "For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love, He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will." This verse emphasizes that we are chosen and loved by God, adopted into His family through Jesus.

Another scripture that resonates with the song is 1 John 3:1, which says, "See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" This verse affirms our identity as children of God, loved and accepted by Him.

The song's message is a reminder that our worth and identity are not defined by the world's standards, but by our relationship with God. It challenges us to see ourselves as He sees us, as His precious children. The lyrics are a beautiful expression of God's deep love for us and His desire to reveal our true identity in Him.

"Who You Are To Me" by Big Daddy Weave is a powerful anthem that encourages us to embrace our identity in Christ. It reminds us that we are loved, chosen, and valued by our Heavenly Father. The song's lyrics, combined with its infectious melody, create a heartfelt and uplifting worship experience. It serves as a reminder to hold onto our true identity in God, finding our worth and purpose in Him alone.
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