Love Again Lyrics Audrey Assad

Love Again by Audrey Assad

I came from a summer that bled my heart dry
To hide in the shadow of a low-lying sky
In the wicked wild wind
In the wicked wild wind

I found you that winter, all wrapped up in cold
With ice on your lashes and frost on your nose
I needed a friend
Yes I needed a friend

Then you stole my heart and winter was not so lonely
I had you by my side with your loving arms to warm me
At my bitter end, you taught me to love again

The snow gathered 'round us, it fell silently
We laughed like two children in the dark empty streets
It was better than spring
It was better than spring

When you stole my heart and winter was not so lonely
I had you by my side with your loving arms to warm me
At my bitter end, you taught me to love again

Then you stole my heart and winter was not so lonely
I had you in my life and you were my one and only
At my bitter end
At my bitter end
When I needed a friend you taught me to love again

Love Again Video

Love Again Info

"Love Again" by Audrey Assad is a beautiful and heartfelt song that captures the essence of finding love and hope in the midst of pain and loneliness. With her soulful and captivating voice, Assad takes us on a journey of rediscovering love after going through a season of heartache.

The song begins by describing a difficult summer that left the narrator's heart feeling dry and empty. It's a relatable feeling, as many of us have experienced seasons of life where our hearts feel wounded and in need of healing. Assad paints a vivid picture of seeking solace in the shadow of a low-lying sky, symbolizing the darkness and despair that can sometimes overshadow our lives.

But then, in the midst of winter, the narrator finds someone who becomes a true friend and source of love. The imagery of being wrapped up in cold and finding warmth in the presence of another person is powerful. It reminds us that even in the coldest and darkest of seasons, there is always the possibility of finding love and companionship.

What I find particularly inspiring about this song is the way it captures the transformative power of love. The chorus declares, "Then you stole my heart and winter was not so lonely, I had you by my side with your loving arms to warm me, at my bitter end, you taught me to love again." Here, Assad beautifully expresses how love has the ability to turn our lives around, to bring light into our darkest moments.

This theme of love's transformative power is a recurring theme in Scripture. In the book of Isaiah, God declares, "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh" (Ezekiel 36:26). This verse speaks to the idea that God's love has the power to soften our hardened hearts and bring about a true transformation.

Additionally, the song reminds me of the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32. In this story, a son leaves his father's house and squanders his inheritance, only to return home in a state of brokenness and repentance. The father, filled with love and compassion, welcomes him back with open arms. This parable beautifully illustrates the idea that love has the power to restore and redeem even the most broken and lost parts of our lives.

Overall, "Love Again" by Audrey Assad is a song that speaks to the universal human experience of longing for love and finding hope in the midst of pain. It reminds us that no matter how dark our circumstances may be, love has the power to bring light and healing. Through her poignant lyrics and heartfelt vocals, Assad invites us to open our hearts to the possibility of love and to allow it to transform us from the inside out.
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