Bless The One Lyrics Mack Brock

Bless The One by Mack Brock

From heights of heaven
To darkest night
The mission of the Father's heart upon Your mind
Nothing else would stop You
Beneath the burden
You felt the weight
You held the tension of the price You'd have to pay
Nothing would stop You

Bless the One who reigns forever
Bless the One who ransomed me
From death to life there is no other
Bless the only risen King

The Lamb of glory poured out for us
At Calvary Your body broken on the cross
Nothing would stop You
The Lion storming through gates of hell
Defeated death and then You carried back from the dead
Nothing could stop You
Nothing could stop

Bless the One who reigns forever
Bless the One who ransomed me
From death to life there is no other
Bless the only risen King

You conquered hell, the veil was torn
The enemy beneath Your feet
Beyond the fear of any storm
My eyes are on eternity
You conquered hell, the veil was torn
The enemy beneath Your feet
Beyond the fear of any storm
My eyes are on eternity
My eyes are on eternity

Bless the One who reigns forever
Bless the One who ransomed me
From death to life there is no other
Bless the only risen King

Bless the One who reigns forever
Bless the One who ransomed me
From death to life there is no other
Bless the only risen King

Bless The One Video

Bless The One Info

"Bless The One" by Mack Brock is a powerful worship song that exalts Jesus Christ as the one who reigns forever and has ransomed us from death to life. The lyrics of the song are filled with deep meaning and inspired by the incredible sacrifice Jesus made on the cross.

The song begins by acknowledging Jesus' divine mission from heaven to earth. It highlights how Jesus, out of His great love for humanity, willingly took on the burden of our sins and carried the weight of the price He would have to pay. The lyrics beautifully express that nothing could stop Jesus from fulfilling His purpose and redeeming us.

The chorus of the song declares, "Bless the One who reigns forever, bless the One who ransomed me." This line is a direct reference to Revelation 5:13, which says, "To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, forever and ever!" This scripture emphasizes the eternal reign of Jesus and the gratitude we should have for His redemptive work.

As the song continues, it depicts Jesus as both the sacrificial Lamb and the victorious Lion. It highlights how Jesus poured out His glory at Calvary, where His body was broken on the cross. This imagery aligns with Isaiah 53:5, which prophesies about the Messiah, saying, "But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on Him, and by His wounds, we are healed."

The lyrics also speak of Jesus as the conquering Lion, storming through the gates of hell and defeating death. This imagery is reminiscent of Revelation 5:5, which describes Jesus as the "Lion of the tribe of Judah" who has triumphed over sin and death. It further emphasizes the power and authority of Jesus.

The bridge of the song proclaims, "You conquered hell, the veil was torn, the enemy beneath Your feet." These lines vividly capture the victory Jesus achieved through His resurrection. The tearing of the veil in the temple symbolizes the access we now have to God through Jesus' sacrifice (Hebrews 10:19-20). It also alludes to Colossians 2:15, which says that Jesus "disarmed the powers and authorities, making a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross."

The song concludes with the reminder that our focus should be on eternity, not on the fears and storms of this world. It encourages us to fix our eyes on Jesus, the only risen King who has overcome all obstacles and secured our eternal salvation.

"Bless The One" by Mack Brock is a worship anthem that celebrates the victory and reign of Jesus Christ. Its lyrics are deeply rooted in Scripture, drawing inspiration from passages that highlight Jesus' sacrifice, triumph over death, and eternal kingship. Through its powerful and heartfelt words, this song reminds us of the incredible love and redemption we have received through Jesus, compelling us to worship and bless His name.
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