Island Lyrics Audrey Assad

Island by Audrey Assad

We are knit together
Together as one
Where you're going I will go
Underneath the shelter of this love
We will walk each other home

You be home to me
I will be home to you
No one is an island
You be home to me
I will be home to you
No one is an island

I will walk beside you
Here on The Way
You will never be alone
I will be your shade
In the heat of the day
Your refuge in the bitter cold

You be home to me
I will be home to you
No one is an island
You be home to me
I will be home to you
No one is an island

You be home to me
I will be home to you
No one is an island
You be home to me
I will be home to you
No one is an island

How good it is to be known by you
Love is our shelter
We're better together

How good it is to be known by you
Love is our shelter
We're better together

How good it is to be known by you
Love is our shelter
We're better together

How good it is to be known by you
Love is our shelter
We're better together

You be home to me
I will be home to you
No one is an island
You be home to me
I will be home to you
No one is an island

You be home to me
I will be home to you
No one is an island
You be home to me
I will be home to you
No one is an island

You be home to me
I will be home to you
No one is an island
You be home to me
I will be home to you
No one is an island

You be home to me
I will be home to you
No one is an island
You be home to me
I will be home to you
No one is an island

Island Video

Island Info

"Island" by Audrey Assad is a beautiful and heartfelt song that speaks to the deep need we all have for connection and community. In a world that often feels divided and isolated, this song reminds us that no one is meant to be an island. We are meant to walk together, to be a refuge for one another, and to find our home in each other.

The lyrics of "Island" paint a picture of unity and support. Assad sings, "We are knit together, together as one, where you're going I will go, underneath the shelter of this love, we will walk each other home." These words beautifully capture the essence of what it means to be in community. We are not meant to journey through life alone, but rather to walk together, supporting and caring for one another along the way.

The inspiration behind this song is clear - the longing for connection and the recognition that we are stronger together. Assad has said in interviews that she wrote this song as a response to the isolation she experienced during a difficult season of life. It was a reminder to herself, and to others, that we need each other. We need the love and support of those around us to navigate the challenges of life.

Scripture verses that relate to the theme of "Island" can be found in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, which says, "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken."

These verses beautifully illustrate the importance of community and the power of standing together. We are stronger when we have someone to lean on, someone to lift us up when we fall, and someone to defend us when we are overpowered. The image of a cord of three strands not being easily broken emphasizes the strength that comes from unity and connection.

The song "Island" is a powerful reminder that we are not meant to live in isolation. It challenges us to reach out, to be a refuge for others, and to find our own refuge in the love and support of those around us. In a world that often feels divided, this song calls us to come together, to be each other's homes, and to recognize that no one is an island.

In conclusion, "Island" by Audrey Assad is a deeply poignant and meaningful song that speaks to our need for connection and community. It serves as a reminder that we are stronger together, and that we are meant to walk alongside one another, offering love, support, and refuge. Through its heartfelt lyrics and beautiful melody, this song encourages us to break down the barriers of isolation and embrace the power of unity.
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