You Are Not the Author: Embracing God's Narrative for Your Life

You Are Not the Author of Your Story

You Are Not the Author of Your Story

You’re probably like me — you like a good story. Whether it’s a TV drama, a box office hit movie, or a best-selling novel, we tend to line up for a compelling story.

Maybe you’re sitting in a restaurant or around a campfire, and your friends begin to tell stories. Each one seems better than the one before. It begins to feel a bit like a contest. It seems as if people are trying to “outstory” one another, so you begin to thumb through your mental catalog of personal stories to see if you are carrying one that may just win the day.

Maybe someone tells you a fantastic story, and you can’t wait for the opportunity to retell it to someone else. We all love a good story.

Your Story Won’t Make History

The honest reality is that most of our stories won’t end up in history books. After we die, most of our personal history will die with us, forgotten except for perhaps a few pictures or memories cherished by our loved ones. While our individual stories may be important to us and those closest to us, they won't have a significant impact on a global scale.

So, what does this mean for us? Does it mean that our stories are insignificant and meaningless? Not at all. While our personal stories may not make it into history books, they are still valuable and meaningful in our own lives.

God as the Ultimate Author

As Christians, we believe that there is a greater story being written, and God is the ultimate author. The Bible tells us that God has a plan and purpose for each of our lives (Jeremiah 29:11). He has intricately woven together the fabric of our stories to fit into His grand narrative.

Just as a skilled author carefully crafts each character, plot twist, and climax, God is at work in our lives, shaping and molding us according to His divine plan. We may not always understand or see the bigger picture, but we can trust that God's story is far greater than anything we could ever imagine.

Embracing God's Narrative

When we embrace God's narrative for our lives, we can find true fulfillment and purpose. It's like being a character in a gripping novel or a captivating movie. We may face challenges and obstacles along the way, but we can trust that God is working all things together for our good (Romans 8:28).

Instead of trying to be the author of our own story, we can surrender to God's leading and allow Him to write the chapters of our lives. This doesn't mean that we become passive or lose our individuality. Rather, it means that we align our desires and plans with God's will, trusting Him to guide us in the right direction.

A Life of Purpose

When we let go of the need to control our own story and submit to God's authorship, we can experience a life of purpose and significance. Our lives become a testimony to God's faithfulness and love.

Just as a well-crafted story has its ups and downs, our lives will have seasons of joy and seasons of sorrow. But in every season, we can trust that God is with us, writing a story that is ultimately for His glory and our good.

The Power of Sharing Our Stories

While our individual stories may not make it into history books, they can still have a powerful impact on those around us. Our stories have the ability to encourage, inspire, and bring hope to others.

When we share our stories, we create connections and build empathy. We allow others to see that they are not alone in their struggles and that there is hope for redemption and healing. Our stories can point others to the ultimate author, God, and His redemptive work in our lives.

Biblical Examples

The Bible is filled with stories of ordinary people who were chosen by God to play a part in His grand narrative. From Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt to Mary being chosen to bear the Son of God, these individuals' stories continue to impact and inspire us today.

One powerful example is the story of Joseph. Joseph experienced betrayal, slavery, and imprisonment, yet God used his story to bring about the salvation of his family and many others. Despite the challenges he faced, Joseph trusted in God's plan and remained faithful.

Another example is the story of the Samaritan woman at the well. Her encounter with Jesus transformed her life, and she couldn't help but share her story with others. Many people in her community believed in Jesus because of her testimony (John 4:39).

These stories and many others remind us that our stories are not just about us. They are part of a bigger narrative, pointing to God's love and faithfulness.


While our personal stories may not make it into the history books, they are still significant and valuable. God is the ultimate author, weaving our stories into His grand narrative. When we surrender to His leading and trust in His plan, our lives take on purpose and meaning.

As we share our stories with others, we have the opportunity to encourage, inspire, and point them to the ultimate author, God. Our stories have the power to impact lives and bring hope.

So, don't underestimate the power of your story. Embrace it, share it, and trust that God is using it for His glory. You may not be the author, but you are a vital part of God's story.

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