Best of Desiring God 2018: Top Articles, Sermons & Podcasts for Christian

The Best of Desiring God in 2018

As we look back on the year 2018, we are grateful for the opportunity to continue creating Bible-centered, Christian-Hedonistic content. Our team at Desiring God collaborated to produce a thousand new resources, including articles, sermons, podcasts, and videos, with the aim of glorifying God and serving His people. In this article, we summarize some of the best resources from 2018 and provide a glimpse into what we have planned for the future.

Articles to Remember from 2018

Our articles cover a wide range of topics relevant to believers today, from theology to practical Christian living. Here are some of the most popular articles from 2018:

The Gospel in Two Words

In this article, David Mathis reflects on the simplicity and power of the gospel message, which can be summarized in two words: “grace” and “faith.” Drawing from the teachings of the apostle Paul, Mathis shows how the gospel is not a set of rules or a self-help program, but a message of God’s unmerited favor to sinners who trust in Christ alone.

Key Bible verses: Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:4-7

The Righteous Shall Live by Faith, Not Feelings

In this article, Jon Bloom reminds us that our feelings are not a reliable guide to our spiritual condition or God’s love for us. Instead, we are called to live by faith, trusting in the promises of God even when our emotions are in turmoil. Bloom encourages us to turn to the Bible for comfort and guidance, and to seek the fellowship of other believers who can help us grow in faith.

Key Bible verses: Habakkuk 2:4, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11, Hebrews 11:1

God Desires All to Be Saved, But Not All Will Be Saved

In this article, John Piper grapples with the difficult question of how to reconcile God’s desire for all people to be saved with the reality that many will reject His offer of salvation. Drawing on the teachings of the apostle Paul, Piper explains how God’s sovereignty and human responsibility work together in the salvation of sinners, and how we can trust in God’s justice and mercy even when we don’t understand His ways.

Key Bible verses: 1 Timothy 2:3-4, 2 Peter 3:9, Romans 9:14-23

Does God Really Save Us by Faith Alone?

In this article, Phil Johnson examines the biblical doctrine of justification by faith alone, which was at the heart of the Protestant Reformation. Johnson shows how this doctrine is grounded in the teachings of Jesus and the apostles, and how it contrasts with the legalistic and works-based approach of many religious systems. He also addresses common objections to the doctrine and explains why it is essential to the gospel message.

Key Bible verses: Romans 3:21-26, Galatians 2:15-16, Ephesians 2:8-9

How to Fight for Joy in the Midst of Anxiety

In this article, Scott Hubbard shares his own struggles with anxiety and offers biblical wisdom for combating worry and fear. Drawing on the teachings of Jesus and the apostle Paul, Hubbard shows how we can cultivate faith, gratitude, and prayer as weapons against anxiety, and how we can trust in God’s sovereign care for us even in the midst of trials.

Key Bible verses: Matthew 6:25-34, Philippians 4:4-7, 1 Peter 5:6-7

Sermons, Podcasts, and Videos

In addition to our articles, we produce a variety of other resources to help believers grow in their faith and knowledge of God. Here are some highlights from 2018:

Piper’s New Book on Christian Preaching

One of the biggest projects of 2018 was John Piper’s book Expository Exultation: Christian Preaching as Worship, which explores the biblical and theological foundations of preaching and offers practical insights for those who aspire to preach the Word faithfully. Piper draws on his decades of experience as a pastor and teacher to provide a rich and inspiring vision for the role of preaching in the church.

Ask Pastor John Podcast

Our popular podcast, Ask Pastor John, continued to provide thoughtful and biblically grounded answers to listeners’ questions on a wide range of topics. From theology to culture to personal struggles, John Piper and other guests offered insights and encouragement for Christian living.

Look at the Book Video Series

Our video series, Look at the Book, offers a unique way to study the Bible by focusing on specific passages and showing how to read them closely and interpret them rightly. John Piper guides viewers through each episode, highlighting key words and phrases and explaining their significance in the context of the larger biblical story.

Looking Ahead to 2023

As we plan for the future, our goal is to continue producing high-quality resources that exalt Christ and equip His people for ministry. Here are a few highlights of what we have in store:

The Life of the Mind and the Love of God

In this upcoming book, John Piper explores the relationship between intellectual pursuit and spiritual growth, showing how a robust theology and a deep love for God can complement each other. Drawing on the teachings of great thinkers like Augustine, Calvin, and Edwards, Piper calls Christians to embrace a life of the mind as a means of glorifying God and serving His people.

The Christian Hedonist Library

We are excited to announce a new project that will bring together some of the best books on Christian Hedonism, a philosophy of life that seeks to find joy in God as the ultimate source of satisfaction. The Christian Hedonist Library will feature works by John Piper, Jonathan Edwards, C.S. Lewis, and others, providing a comprehensive resource for those who want to explore this important aspect of biblical faith.

Desiring God Conference 2023

We are already planning our next Desiring God Conference, which will be held in 2023 and will focus on the theme of “Joy in Christ.” This conference will bring together speakers and attendees from around the world to celebrate the joy that comes from knowing and loving Jesus, and to explore how we can cultivate that joy in our daily lives.


At Desiring God, we are committed to producing resources that help believers grow in their love for God and their knowledge of His Word. We believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16), and that our mission is to proclaim that gospel in all its fullness and richness. As we look back on 2018 and ahead to the future, we are grateful for the opportunity to serve God and His people through our ministry, and we pray that our work will continue to bear fruit for His kingdom.

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