The Pursuit of Purity: Striking a Balanced Approach in a Controversial Culture

Did We Abandon Purity?

As Christians, purity should be our ultimate goal. In the past, the pursuit of personal purity was something that all Christians admired and strived for without reservation. However, in recent years, the concept of purity has become controversial. Some people associate the pursuit of personal purity with "purity culture," which they claim has spread fear, guilt, and shame among Christians.

It's important to recognize that while some reformation was necessary, we should not abandon the pursuit of purity altogether. In some circles, the push for sexual purity in the nineties was an attempt to address the alarming rise of teenage pregnancy, AIDS, and other sexually transmitted diseases, and abortion. Sexual sin and temptation were seen as the enemy, and Christians needed to take drastic measures to prevent them from infiltrating their lives. Rallies were held, books were published, and purity rings were popularized.

However, some people argue that the approach taken during the purity movement was too extreme, and that it caused more harm than good. They claim that it led to a culture of shame, where people, especially women, were made to feel guilty for their sexuality. In some cases, it even resulted in victim-blaming, where survivors of sexual assault were blamed for their own assault because they were not "pure" enough.

While it's true that the purity movement had some flaws, we should not throw the concept of purity out altogether. The Bible is clear that Christians are called to live a pure life in all areas, not just sexually. In 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7, Paul tells us that it is God's will for us to be sanctified and avoid sexual immorality. In 1 Corinthians 6:18-20, Paul reminds us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and that we should glorify God with them.

The Importance of Purity

So why is purity so important to Christians? For one, it allows us to have a closer relationship with God. When we are pure in heart and mind, we are better able to hear God's voice and follow His will for our lives. In James 4:8, we are told to "purify our hearts, you double-minded."

Additionally, purity helps us to avoid sin and temptation. When we are pure, we are less likely to be drawn into sin and more likely to resist temptation. In Proverbs 4:23, we are told to guard our hearts, for everything we do flows from it.

Finally, purity sets us apart from the world. Christians are called to be a light in the darkness and to live in a way that reflects the character of Christ. When we pursue purity, we show the world that we are different, and we point them towards the hope that we have in Christ. In Matthew 5:16, Jesus tells us to let our light shine before others so that they may see our good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven.

The Dangers of Purity Culture

While the pursuit of purity is important, we must be careful not to turn it into a legalistic, shame-based system. Purity culture, as it was practiced in some circles, had some serious flaws. For one, it focused almost exclusively on sexual purity, as if that were the only area where Christians needed to be pure. Additionally, it often placed an undue burden on women, who were expected to dress modestly and avoid any behavior that might be perceived as "tempting" to men. This attitude is not only unfair to women, but it also perpetuates the myth that men are helpless to control their own actions.

Furthermore, purity culture often failed to address the root causes of sexual sin. Rather than addressing issues like pornography addiction, sexual abuse, and unhealthy attitudes towards sex, it placed the blame squarely on the shoulders of individuals who were struggling with sexual temptation. This approach was not only unhelpful, but it was also damaging, as it caused many people to feel ashamed and isolated.

A Balanced Approach to Purity

So how can we pursue purity in a way that is healthy and beneficial? First and foremost, we need to recognize that purity is about more than just sexual behavior. While sexual purity is certainly important, we need to strive for purity in all areas of our lives. This includes our thoughts, our words, our actions, and our relationships.

Additionally, we need to approach purity with grace and compassion, rather than shame and condemnation. We need to recognize that we are all sinners in need of God's grace and that none of us are perfect. Instead of pointing fingers and casting judgment, we should seek to help one another grow in purity and righteousness. In Galatians 6:1, Paul tells us to restore one another gently when we see someone fall into sin.

Finally, we need to address the root causes of impurity. This means being honest about the struggles that we face and seeking help when we need it. It means acknowledging that sexual sin is often a symptom of deeper issues, such as addiction or trauma, and that these issues need to be addressed in order for true healing to occur.


In conclusion, while the concept of purity has become controversial in recent years, we should not abandon it altogether. As Christians, we are called to pursue purity in all areas of our lives, not just sexually. However, we need to approach purity with grace and compassion, rather than legalism and shame. We need to address the root causes of impurity and help one another grow in purity and righteousness. By doing so, we can live lives that honor God and point the world towards the hope that we have in Christ.

So, did we kiss purity goodbye? No, but we need to approach it in a way that is healthy, balanced, and reflective of the character of Christ.

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