Why Many Women Struggle with Consistent Bible Reading: Overcoming Obstacles

Why Many Women Struggle with Consistent Bible Reading

As a Christian woman, I have often felt guilty for not being consistent with my Bible reading. I know the importance of spending time in God’s word, yet I often find myself struggling to make it a priority in my daily life. But over time, I have come to realize that my struggle is not unique. Many women struggle with consistent Bible reading, and the reasons for this are varied and complex.

The Problem with Our Imagination

One of the main reasons why women struggle with consistent Bible reading is because of our imagination. We tend to imagine Bible reading as a solitary activity that requires uninterrupted focus and commentaries. We see a pastor in his study, where the word is his life’s work. We see someone living at a lake house — no intrusions, complete serenity, perfect coffee. Maybe we see the life of a superwoman, who rises well before dawn because she cares so much more than we ever will be able to. We see calm. We imagine focus. We see heroic diligence.

Simply put, we see the Christian practice of reading the Bible as dependent on a really specialized kind of moment — a moment that seldom (to never) graces our own life.

This kind of imagination is limiting and unrealistic. It sets an unattainable standard that most women cannot meet, and it makes Bible reading feel like a burden rather than a joy.

The Importance of Consistent Bible Reading

Before we can address the problem of inconsistent Bible reading, it is important to understand why Bible reading is so important in the first place.

The Bible is God’s word to us. It is the primary way that he reveals himself to us, and it is the means by which we can come to know him more intimately. The Bible is not just a collection of stories or moral teachings; it is the living and active word of God that has the power to transform our lives.

Consistent Bible reading is essential for our spiritual growth. Through the Bible, we gain wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. We learn about God’s character, his plan for our lives, and his love for us. The more we read the Bible, the more we are transformed by its truth.

How to Overcome the Obstacles to Consistent Bible Reading

So how can we overcome the obstacles to consistent Bible reading? Here are some practical tips:

1. Change Your Perspective

As we’ve discussed, one of the main obstacles to consistent Bible reading is our imagination. We need to change our perspective and understand that Bible reading can happen in the midst of our busy lives. We don’t need to have a perfect setting or uninterrupted time. We can read the Bible in small increments throughout the day, whenever we have a spare moment.

We can also change our perspective on what Bible reading should look like. It doesn’t have to be a scholarly activity. We can read the Bible in a way that is personal and meaningful to us. We can use a devotional book or Bible study guide to help us understand the text and apply it to our lives.

2. Make Bible Reading a Priority

If we want to be consistent in our Bible reading, we need to make it a priority in our lives. This means setting aside time each day to read the Bible, even if it’s just for a few minutes. We can schedule it into our day, just like we would any other important activity.

We can also make Bible reading a priority by choosing it over other activities. This might mean saying no to social media or TV in order to make time for the Bible.

3. Find Accountability

Accountability can be a powerful motivator for consistent Bible reading. We can find an accountability partner who will check in with us regularly to see how our Bible reading is going. This person can encourage us and help us stay on track.

We can also join a Bible study group or attend a Bible study at our church. This will provide us with regular opportunities to study the Bible with others and learn from their insights.

4. Pray for Help

Ultimately, consistent Bible reading is a spiritual discipline that requires the help of the Holy Spirit. We can pray for help in making Bible reading a priority in our lives. We can ask the Holy Spirit to give us a hunger for God’s word and the discipline to make it a regular part of our lives.


Consistent Bible reading is essential for our spiritual growth, but it can be difficult to make it a priority in our busy lives. By changing our perspective, making it a priority, finding accountability, and praying for help, we can overcome the obstacles to consistent Bible reading.

Remember, Bible reading is not just a duty or a chore; it is a joy and a privilege. Through the Bible, we can come to know God more intimately and be transformed by his truth.

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

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