Radical Love: Striving to Obey the Commandments of Loving God & Loving Others

Loving God and loving our neighbor are two of the most important commandments given by Jesus. They are not only morally beautiful but also incredibly challenging to follow. In fact, they can feel overwhelming and even impossible at times. However, Jesus expects us to take these commands seriously and structure our lives around obeying them. Let's explore these commandments in more detail and discover how we can strive to live them out.

The first commandment is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind. This means that we are to love God with our entire being and make Him the center of our lives. It requires us to have a deep and intimate relationship with Him, surrendering ourselves completely to His will. This commandment reminds us that God deserves our utmost devotion and love.

The second commandment is to love our neighbor as ourselves. This commandment is closely connected to the first one, as our love for God should overflow into love for others. Jesus teaches us that our love for our neighbor should be as strong as our love for ourselves. This means that we should treat others with kindness, compassion, and respect, just as we would want to be treated.

These two commandments summarize the entire Law and the Prophets. They encompass everything that God requires of us and are the foundation of our faith. Following these commandments is not easy, but they are not mere lofty ideals either. Jesus expects us to strive to obey them, even in our fallen state.

Sometimes, we may feel that obeying these commandments is impossible. We may believe that they were attainable in Eden and will be achievable in our glorified state, but not in our current fallen state. However, the apostles make it clear in their writings that Jesus expects us to seriously seek to love God with all our being and love our neighbor as ourselves in this present age.

It is important to remember that our justification is not based on our obedience to these commandments. Jesus purchased our justification through his perfect obedience. However, this does not mean that we are exempt from obeying these commandments. The apostles emphasize the importance of living out these commands in our daily lives.

Our peers and the community around us can greatly influence our understanding and application of these commandments. If those around us do not take these commandments seriously, we may be tempted to believe that Jesus does not expect us to rigorously apply them either. However, peer influence can lead us into serious disobedience. We must remember that it is our radical obedience to these commandments that demonstrates that we are true disciples of Jesus.

To obey these commandments, we must first count the cost. Jesus warns us that following Him requires sacrifice and renouncing everything. Loving God and loving our neighbor may cost us our comforts, desires, and even relationships. However, the cost itself is an expression of love. It is about where our treasure is and how much we love it. Our renunciation is not about how much asceticism we can endure, but about our love for God and others.

As we ponder what these commandments truly demand of us, we must ask ourselves how in the world we are supposed to obey them. It is a valid question that requires serious reflection and prayer. We need to consider how we can intentionally pursue loving God with our whole being in the specific context where God has placed us. We also need to think about how we can love our neighbor as ourselves, especially those who are in need or even those we consider our enemies.

Thankfully, we are not left without help in this pursuit. God has given us the Holy Spirit to guide us and empower us to love as Jesus loved. The New Testament provides us with numerous examples and teachings on how to apply these commandments in specific situations. Additionally, we have the support and encouragement of the church community to assist us in living out these commandments.

In conclusion, the commandments to love God and love our neighbor are not mere lofty ideals. Jesus expects us to take them seriously and structure our lives around obeying them. While they may seem overwhelming and even impossible at times, we must remember that God has given us the Holy Spirit, His Word, and the community of believers to help us in this pursuit. Let us count the cost and strive to live out these commandments with radical love and obedience, for there is no greater way to follow Jesus.
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