Why God's Will Isn't Always Clear: Understanding His Heart and Guidance

Why God's Will Isn't Always Clear

Have you ever wondered why God doesn't give us more specific guidance in our decisions? After all, if He wants us to "walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him" (Colossians 1:10), wouldn't it be helpful if He gave us clear instructions on what to do?

It's a valid question. Many of us find ourselves facing decisions on a daily basis, big and small. From what to wear and eat, to major life choices, we often wish for a direct and unmistakable word from God. So why doesn't He make His will crystal clear to us?

The Spontaneous 95%

Think about all the decisions you make in a typical day. Most of them are quick and spur-of-the-moment. In fact, John Piper estimates that "a good 95% of [our] behavior [we] do not premeditate." That means the majority of our thoughts, attitudes, and actions are spontaneous (source: Desiring God).

This realization can be a bit unnerving. We often don't give much thought to the small choices we make, but they add up and shape the trajectory of our lives. They become the bricks in the building of our character and our relationship with God. And yet, most of the time, we simply act on what's inside us without consciously seeking God's guidance.

Even when we do pause to pray and seek God's will, it's rare that we receive a specific answer regarding what to wear, where to eat, or how to respond to an email. So why does God seem to remain silent on these matters?

God's Desire for Relationship

To understand why God's will isn't always clear-cut, we need to grasp His heart and intentions. God desires a relationship with us, not just a list of commands to follow. He wants us to seek Him, trust Him, and rely on Him in all areas of our lives.

Think about it like this: imagine if you had a child who only came to you for specific instructions on what to do, but never took the time to talk with you, share their thoughts and feelings, or simply enjoy your presence. How would that make you feel as a parent? You would likely long for a deeper connection, a relationship built on trust, love, and mutual understanding.

It's the same with God. He wants more than just obedience from us. He wants us to know Him intimately and walk with Him daily. He wants us to rely on His wisdom and guidance, but also to engage Him in conversation about the desires of our hearts.

God's General Guidance

While God may not always give us specific instructions for every decision we make, He has provided us with general guidance through His Word, the Bible. The Bible is filled with principles, teachings, and wisdom that can help us make wise choices and live in a way that pleases God.

For example, the Bible tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:31), to seek justice (Micah 6:8), and to flee from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18). These are clear directives that we can apply to our daily lives. When we encounter a decision, we can ask ourselves if our actions align with God's revealed will in Scripture.

In addition to the Bible, God also speaks to us through the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would guide us into all truth (John 16:13). When we have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit dwells within us and can provide guidance, conviction, and peace as we seek to make decisions that honor God.

Growing in Discernment

While it may be frustrating at times when God's will isn't clear to us, it's important to remember that He is always working for our good (Romans 8:28). Sometimes, the lack of specific guidance is an opportunity for us to grow in discernment and trust.

Just as a parent gradually gives their child more freedom and responsibility as they mature, God allows us to exercise our own judgment and make choices within the boundaries of His Word. This process of decision-making and learning from our mistakes can help us develop wisdom and spiritual maturity.

As we seek God's will, we can pray for wisdom (James 1:5) and trust that He will guide us. We can also seek counsel from wise and mature believers who can offer insight and perspective. Ultimately, as we align our hearts with God's, we can trust that He will direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).


While it can be frustrating when God's will isn't always clear to us, it's important to remember that He desires a relationship with us. He wants us to seek Him, trust Him, and rely on Him in all areas of our lives. Although God may not always provide specific instructions for every decision we make, He has given us general guidance through His Word and the Holy Spirit. As we grow in discernment and trust, we can rest assured that God is leading us and working for our good.

So, next time you find yourself facing a decision, big or small, take a moment to seek God's guidance, align your heart with His revealed will in Scripture, and trust that He will lead you in the right direction.

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