Why Children Need a Crisis of Faith: Nurturing Stronger and Authentic Relationships with God

Children Need a Crisis of Faith - Desiring God

Children Need a Crisis of Faith


As parents, we have the sacred privilege and daunting responsibility of raising our children. In today's world, it can be challenging to navigate the complexities of parenting, especially when it comes to cultivating our children's faith. We want our children to have a genuine, personal relationship with God, but often wonder how to best guide them on this journey.

The Importance of a Crisis of Faith

One approach that may seem counterintuitive is to allow our children to experience a crisis of faith. While it may sound alarming, it can actually be a crucial step in their spiritual growth. Just as physical exercise strengthens our muscles, facing challenges and doubts can strengthen our children's faith.

Learning from the Bible

Throughout the Bible, we see examples of individuals who experienced crises of faith and emerged stronger in their relationship with God. Consider the story of Job, who faced unimaginable suffering but ultimately grew in his trust in God's sovereignty. Or the story of Abraham, who questioned God's promise of a son, but ultimately demonstrated unwavering faith.

These stories teach us that doubt and questioning are not signs of weak faith, but opportunities for growth. Encouraging our children to engage with their doubts and wrestle with difficult questions can ultimately lead them to a deeper and more authentic faith.

Navigating the Crisis

While it is important to allow our children to experience a crisis of faith, we must also provide them with a safe and supportive environment in which to navigate it. Here are some practical steps we can take:

1. Foster open and honest communication

Encourage your children to share their doubts and questions with you. Create an atmosphere of trust where they feel comfortable discussing their struggles. Listen attentively and validate their feelings, even if you don't have all the answers.

2. Provide resources and guidance

Equip your children with tools to explore their faith. Offer books, podcasts, and other resources that address their specific questions and concerns. Help them find mentors or trusted individuals who can provide guidance and support.

3. Pray together

Prayer is a powerful tool in navigating a crisis of faith. Pray with your children, both individually and as a family. Seek God's guidance and wisdom as you journey together through this season.

4. Model vulnerability and authenticity

Show your children that it's okay to wrestle with doubts and questions. Share your own struggles and how you have grown in your faith through them. By being vulnerable and authentic, you create a safe space for your children to do the same.


While it may be tempting to shield our children from doubt and uncertainty, allowing them to experience a crisis of faith can ultimately strengthen and deepen their relationship with God. By fostering open communication, providing resources and guidance, praying together, and modeling vulnerability, we can help our children navigate these challenging seasons and emerge with a faith that is truly their own.

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