Experiencing God's Abundant Grace: The Condition of Humility and Drawing Near

There is a beautiful promise in the book of James that speaks of God's abundant grace and His nearness to those who humble themselves and draw near to Him. It says, "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble" (James 4:6). This verse reminds us that there is a special experience of "more grace" and a close relationship with God that is available to those who approach Him with humility.

But here's the question: is this experience of God's love unconditional? The answer is no. According to James, it is conditional on our humility and our intentional drawing near to God. In other words, God "gives [more] grace to the humble" and when we draw near to Him, He draws near to us.

Now, you might be thinking, "Wait a minute, I thought God's love was unconditional?" And you're right, there are aspects of God's love that are indeed unconditional. For example, His love for us in choosing us for salvation, His love demonstrated through Christ's death on the cross, and His love in giving us new life through regeneration - these are all absolutely unconditional.

Additionally, our justification, or our being declared righteous before God, is also based on the worth of Christ's obedience and sacrifice, not on our own efforts (Romans 5:19). So, in terms of our standing before God and our salvation, His love is indeed unconditional.

However, when it comes to experiencing the fullness and sweetness of God's grace and His nearness, James tells us that humility and drawing near to God are essential. These are the conditions that we must fulfill in order to enjoy the peace and deep fellowship with God that our souls long for.

It is important to emphasize this truth because there are some teachings today that emphasize the "unconditionality" of God's love to the point of neglecting the biblical call to humility and drawing near to Him. While it is true that God's love is not based on our performance or merits, the Bible also teaches us that there are actions we need to take in order to receive the fullest measure of His grace and experience His intimate presence.

So, what does it mean to humble ourselves and draw near to God? Humility involves acknowledging our need for God and recognizing that He is the source of all good things in our lives. It is an attitude of surrender and dependence on Him. Drawing near to God means intentionally seeking Him through prayer, reading His Word, worship, and fellowship with other believers. It is making Him a priority in our lives and cultivating a deep and intimate relationship with Him.

When we humble ourselves and draw near to God, we position ourselves to receive His abundant grace and experience His nearness. It's like opening the floodgates to His blessings and inviting Him into the deepest parts of our hearts. And the amazing thing is that when we take these steps towards Him, He reciprocates by drawing near to us. It's a beautiful exchange of love and intimacy.

Think of it this way: imagine you have a close friend whom you deeply cherish. If you neglect spending time with them, if you don't reach out to them or make an effort to cultivate the relationship, it's likely that the connection will fade and grow distant. But if you intentionally invest in the friendship, if you make time for them, listen to them, and share your heart with them, the bond will grow stronger and deeper.

In the same way, our relationship with God requires intentional effort and investment. He longs for us to draw near to Him, to seek His face, and to humble ourselves before Him. And when we do, the rewards are immeasurable. We experience His love, His peace, His wisdom, and His guidance in a way that we cannot fully comprehend.

But let's be honest, it's not always easy to humble ourselves and draw near to God. Our pride often gets in the way, and the busyness and distractions of life can easily pull us away from Him. That's why James also exhorts us to resist the devil. Satan will do everything he can to hinder us from humbling ourselves and drawing near to God. He will tempt us with pride, distract us with worldly pursuits, and fill our minds with doubts and lies.

But here's the good news: when we resist the devil and stand firm in our commitment to humble ourselves and draw near to God, he will flee from us. The enemy has no power over us when we are firmly rooted in God's truth and His presence. So, let's not give in to Satan's schemes, but let's press on in our pursuit of God.

In conclusion, while there are aspects of God's love that are unconditional, the fullest and sweetest experiences of His grace and nearness are conditioned on our humility and intentional drawing near to Him. Let us not be deceived by the notion of a completely "unconditional" love that neglects the biblical call to humble ourselves and seek Him. Instead, let us embrace the truth that as we humble ourselves and draw near to God, He will pour out His abundant grace and draw near to us. May we constantly strive to deepen our relationship with Him, knowing that in His presence there is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore (Psalm 16:11).
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