What Will You Do When the End Comes? A Call to Repentance and Finding Satisfaction in God

What Will You Do When the End Comes?

Picture this: a world in turmoil, filled with chaos and uncertainty. The prophets, entrusted with the divine message, have become false prophets, spreading lies and deception. The priests, meant to guide and lead, have succumbed to their own desires and rule with selfish motives. The people, instead of seeking truth and righteousness, are content with the false teachings and corrupt leadership. It is a dire situation, a horrifying reality.

In the book of Jeremiah, we read of such a time. The prophet Jeremiah laments the state of the land, where truth is scarce and deception is rampant. He cries out in anguish, "An appalling and horrible thing has happened in the land" (Jeremiah 5:30).

A Call to Repentance

Amidst this darkness, Jeremiah issues a warning, a call to repentance. He asks the people, "What will you do when the end comes?" (Jeremiah 5:31). It is a question that reverberates through time, reaching us today in the year 2023 and beyond.

As we reflect on this question, we must understand the urgency behind it. The end, in biblical terms, refers to the final judgment, the culmination of all things. It is a day when every individual will stand before God and give an account of their lives.

Now, you might wonder, what is the purpose of repentance? Why should we be concerned about it? Repentance is not merely a religious duty or a ritualistic act. It is a response to the reality of sin and a recognition of our need for forgiveness and reconciliation with God.

In the Bible, sin is depicted as a separation from God, a rebellion against His perfect will. It is an offense that deserves punishment. Yet, God in His mercy and love offers us a way out. He calls us to repent, to turn away from our sinful ways and seek His forgiveness. In doing so, we acknowledge our need for a Savior and embrace the hope of salvation.

The Essence of Sin

To truly understand the significance of repentance, we must grasp the essence of sin. Sin, at its core, is a rejection of God's authority and a pursuit of our own desires. It is the elevation of anything or anyone above God.

Think about it for a moment. Have you ever put something or someone before God? Have you ever prioritized your own desires, ambitions, or pleasures over Him? In doing so, we fall into the trap of sin. We exchange the infinite joy and fulfillment that comes from knowing and worshiping God for temporary and empty satisfactions.

God, in His infinite wisdom, designed us to find our ultimate satisfaction in Him alone. He created us to experience joy, peace, and fulfillment in a loving relationship with Him. Yet, sin distorts this design and leads us astray.

Repentance and Satisfaction in God

In light of this understanding, we can see that joyless repentance is an oxymoron. Repentance without satisfaction in God is empty and futile. It is like trying to quench your thirst with saltwater or satisfy your hunger with empty calories.

True repentance involves a genuine turning away from sin and a turning towards God. It is a heart transformation that is fueled by a deep satisfaction in God Himself. We repent because we have tasted and seen that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8). We turn away from sin because we have found a greater joy and fulfillment in God.

Now, you might be wondering, how can we find satisfaction in God? How can we experience this deep joy that surpasses all understanding?

It starts with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus, the Son of God, came into this world to save us from our sins. He lived a perfect and sinless life, died on the cross as a sacrifice for our sins, and rose again from the dead, conquering sin and death.

Through faith in Jesus, we can receive forgiveness for our sins and be reconciled to God. We can experience the transforming power of His love and grace. We can find true satisfaction and fulfillment in Him.

The Urgency of Repentance

As we consider the urgency of repentance, we must remember that the end is coming. We do not know the exact day or hour, but we can be certain that it will come. Just as in the time of Jeremiah, there will be a day of reckoning, a day when all will stand before God.

So, what will you do when the end comes? Will you be speechless, helpless, and hopeless? Or will you be prepared, having found your satisfaction in God and repented of your sins?

Do not delay, for today is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2). Turn to God, seek His forgiveness, and find true joy and fulfillment in Him. Embrace the hope of eternal life and live each day with a sense of purpose and urgency.


The call to repentance is not a message of doom and despair. Rather, it is a message of hope and restoration. It is an invitation to experience the abundant life that God offers. It is a reminder that no matter how far we have strayed, God's love and grace are always available to us.

As we navigate the challenges of this year 2023 and the future, let us heed the warning of Jeremiah. Let us not be deceived by false teachings or lured by the temptations of this world. Instead, let us turn to God in repentance and find our satisfaction in Him alone.

Remember, the end is coming. What will you do?


  1. Jeremiah 5:30–31 - "An appalling and horrible thing has happened in the land: the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule at their direction; my people love to have it so, but what will you do when the end comes?"

  2. Romans 1:23 - "and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things."

  3. Psalm 34:8 - "Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!"

  4. 2 Corinthians 6:2 - "For he says, 'In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you.' Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation."

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