Trusting God's Plan: Marrying Beyond Appearance

What If God Wants Me to Marry Someone "Ugly"? | Desiring God

What If God Wants Me to Marry Someone "Ugly"?

As a parent, I often find myself engaged in deep discussions with my six-year-old daughter during our Bible study time. Explaining complex concepts like God's sovereignty and purity to a young child can be quite challenging, but also incredibly insightful. It's fascinating to see the questions and thoughts that arise from her innocent and curious mind.

During one of our recent discussions on the topic of purity, we ventured into the realm of God's plan for our futures. We pondered how if God calls her to be married, He has already chosen the perfect husband for her. However, amidst our conversation, a look of concern appeared on her face.

The Concern of Personal Preference

"Mom," she said, her voice filled with worry, "what if I don't like the person God wants me to marry?"

Her question struck a chord with me because, in different ways, I have asked similar questions myself. It's only natural to wonder about our preferences and desires when it comes to such an important life decision. But as a parent, I wanted to reassure her and guide her understanding.

God's Wisdom and Sovereignty

First and foremost, we must recognize that God's wisdom and sovereignty surpass our limited understanding. As humans, we tend to focus on external appearances and personal preferences, but God sees the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). His plan for our lives encompasses not only our individual happiness but also our spiritual growth and conformity to the image of Christ.

Just as God chose David, a young shepherd boy, to become a great king (1 Samuel 16), He has a unique and perfect plan for each one of us, including our future marriages. God's selection is not based solely on physical attractiveness or compatibility as the world defines it, but on His eternal purposes and the development of Christlike character.

Beauty in God's Design

Our understanding of beauty is often shaped by the world's standards. In a culture obsessed with physical appearance, it's crucial to remember that true beauty lies in God's design, not in societal expectations. Proverbs 31:30 reminds us that "charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." God values inner beauty, a heart that seeks after Him and desires to honor Him in all things.

Moreover, Scripture teaches us that marriage is not simply about personal happiness or physical attraction. It's a sacred covenant designed to reflect the relationship between Christ and His church (Ephesians 5:31-32). In this light, the focus shifts from our own desires to God's greater purposes. Marrying someone who may not meet the world's standards of attractiveness but who loves the Lord and seeks to follow Him can lead to a profoundly fulfilling and purposeful marriage.

Trusting God's Guidance

So, how do we navigate this tension between personal preference and God's plan? It starts with trust. Trusting that God knows what is best for us and that His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). Trusting that He cares deeply about our desires and will lead us to the person who will complement and challenge us in our walk with Him.

Trusting God's guidance also means seeking Him in prayer and seeking wise counsel from mature believers. It means surrendering our own desires to His will and aligning our hearts with His purposes. It's not about settling for less or compromising, but rather about embracing God's perfect design and finding contentment in His plan.


As I continued the conversation with my daughter, I assured her that God's plan for her life, including her future marriage, is beautiful and perfect. I encouraged her to trust in His wisdom and to seek His guidance in all things. I reminded her that true beauty lies in a heart that fears the Lord and that a marriage centered on Christ can bring immeasurable joy and fulfillment.

So, dear reader, if you ever find yourself asking similar questions or wrestling with the idea of marrying someone who may not meet society's standards of attractiveness, remember that God's plan far exceeds our own understanding. Trust in His sovereignty, seek His wisdom, and rest in the assurance that He has a beautiful and purposeful plan for your life, including your future marriage.

Keep in mind that beauty is not defined by external appearances but by a heart that seeks after God. Embrace His design for marriage and find contentment in His perfect plan. Trust that the person God wants you to marry will complement and challenge you in your walk with Him, leading to a deeply fulfilling and purposeful union.

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