Overcoming Obstacles: Why We Struggle to Share the Gospel & How to Change

Four Reasons Why We Struggle to Share the Gospel

Sharing the gospel is one of the most important responsibilities of every believer. Jesus commands us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20), and Paul reminds us that we are ambassadors of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). However, despite our desire to share the good news, many of us struggle to do so. We may feel nervous, inadequate, or unsure of how to begin. In this article, we will explore four common reasons why we don't share the gospel as we should and consider how we can overcome these obstacles.

1. Fear of Rejection

One of the most significant barriers to sharing the gospel is the fear of rejection. We worry that our friends and family will reject us or think less of us if we bring up faith or the Bible. We may also fear that we will not know how to respond if they have questions or objections.

However, Jesus tells us that we should expect rejection as we share the gospel. In John 15:18-19, he says, "If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."

Paul also faced rejection as he preached the gospel. In 2 Timothy 4:16, he writes, "At my first defense no one came to stand by me, but all deserted me. May it not be charged against them!" Despite this rejection, Paul continued to proclaim the gospel, knowing that it was the power of God for salvation (Romans 1:16).

It is essential to remember that rejection is not a reflection of our worth or value. Our identity is found in Christ, not in the approval of others. When we face rejection, we can take comfort in knowing that we are in good company with Jesus and the apostles.

2. Lack of Confidence

Another reason why we struggle to share the gospel is a lack of confidence. We may feel unsure of what to say or how to explain the message of the gospel. We may worry that we will not have all the answers or that we will say something wrong.

However, Jesus promises us that the Holy Spirit will give us the words to say as we share the gospel. In Luke 12:11-12, he says, "And when they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, do not be anxious about how you should defend yourself or what you should say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say."

Additionally, we do not need to have all the answers or know everything about the Bible to share the gospel. We can simply share our own story of how we came to faith and what God has done in our lives. We can also point others to resources, such as books or websites, that can help answer their questions.

3. Lack of Love

Another reason why we may struggle to share the gospel is a lack of love for others. We may be so focused on our own fears or desires that we forget about the needs of those around us. We may also view evangelism as a duty or obligation rather than an act of love.

However, Jesus commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:31) and to love one another as he has loved us (John 13:34). Sharing the gospel is one of the most loving things we can do for others. It gives them the opportunity to hear about the hope and salvation that can be found in Christ.

Additionally, when we share the gospel out of love, we are less likely to be pushy or aggressive. We can approach the conversation with humility and a genuine desire to help others, rather than a desire to prove ourselves right or to win an argument.

4. Lack of Opportunity

Finally, we may struggle to share the gospel simply because we do not have many opportunities to do so. We may not know many non-believers, or we may not have many chances to bring up faith in our daily conversations.

However, we can actively seek out opportunities to share the gospel. We can join a small group or Bible study, volunteer at a local charity, or even strike up conversations with strangers. We can also pray for God to bring people into our lives who need to hear the gospel.


Sharing the gospel can be intimidating, but we must remember that it is one of the most important things we can do as believers. We should not let fear, lack of confidence, lack of love, or lack of opportunity hold us back. Instead, we can trust in the power of the Holy Spirit to give us the words to say and the courage to share the good news with those around us.

As we share the gospel, we can take comfort in knowing that we are fulfilling the Great Commission and obeying Jesus's commands. We can also remember that we do not share the gospel alone. We have a community of believers who can support and encourage us as we proclaim the message of salvation.


  • Matthew 28:19-20

  • 2 Corinthians 5:20

  • John 15:18-19

  • 2 Timothy 4:16

  • Romans 1:16

  • Luke 12:11-12

  • Mark 12:31

  • John 13:34

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