Top 15 Christian Books of 2015: A Must-Read List

2015 was a remarkable year for non-fiction Christian book publishing. There was an overwhelming number of excellent new titles, making it the most difficult year for me to choose the best books of the year. From Bible commentaries to books on engaging with political issues, there was a wide range of topics covered. In this article, I will share with you my top 15 books of 2015, along with 15 more books that you shouldn't miss.

1. Happiness by Randy Alcorn - This book is a comprehensive survey of what the Bible says about joy and happiness. Alcorn explores various Greek and Hebrew words and quotes from preachers and theologians throughout history to prove the essential role of happiness in the Christian life.

2. NIV Zondervan Study Bible edited by D. A. Carson - This study Bible focuses on key themes in biblical theology as they develop from Genesis to Revelation. It includes book outlines, introductions, verse-by-verse commentary, and 28 thematic essays. While it may not surpass the ESV Study Bible, it is a worthy second study Bible, especially for those interested in biblical theology.

3. A History of Western Philosophy and Theology by John Frame - This 900-page summary provides a survey of the most influential thinkers in philosophy and theology. Frame evaluates the impact of each thinker on the consensus and highlights the spiritual warfare that takes place in the life of the mind.

4. Commentary on Hebrews by Thomas Schreiner - This commentary zooms in on the details of Hebrews and then pans out to reveal its broader theological conclusions. It is the inaugural volume in the Biblical Theology for Christian Proclamation Commentary series, offering a fresh approach to biblical commentary.

5. The Things of Earth: Treasuring God by Enjoying His Gifts by Joe Rigney - Rigney explores how to enjoy God's gifts rightly by finding the balance between enjoying created gifts and enjoying God alone. He provides a comprehensive theology of God's gifts and guides readers to greater God-centered delight.

6. Awe: Why It Matters for Everything We Think, Say, and Do by Paul Tripp - Tripp addresses the battle between selfish glory and God's glory, emphasizing the need for awe to capture our hearts and guide us in using God's gifts rightly. This book offers a powerful perspective on Christian living.

7. Onward: Engaging the Culture without Losing the Gospel by Russell Moore - Moore provides a field manual for engaging with cultural issues while keeping our eyes on the gospel. He offers practical guidance on navigating the complex challenges facing Christians in today's world.

8. Fool's Talk: Recovering the Art of Christian Persuasion by Os Guinness - Guinness explores the important skill of Christian persuasion, helping readers speak to a larger audience on political issues. He emphasizes the need to move sinners in the direction of the Savior rather than convincing them toward our ideology.

9. Knowing Christ by Mark Jones - Jones fills the gap left by J.I. Packer's intention to write a follow-up to "Knowing God." This book explores the riches of Christ through the lens of the Puritan tradition, deepening our understanding of the glories of Christ.

10. Baptists in America: A History by Thomas Kidd and Barry Hankins - This comprehensive history of Baptists in America traces the influence of the Baptist tradition from the founding of the colonies to the present day. It sheds light on how Baptists have shaped the American landscape.

11. Openness Unhindered: Further Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert on Sexual Identity and Union with Christ by Rosaria Butterfield - Butterfield draws from the rich Puritan tradition to provide a biblical perspective on homosexuality. She offers a way forward by following old paths and finding freedom and repentance in Christ.

12. Identity and Idolatry: The Image of God and Its Inversion by Richard Lints - Lints explores the dynamic of change in human beings, highlighting how we become like what we love, behold, and worship. He offers valuable insights into the implications of this fundamental dynamic of change.

13. Jonathan Edwards and the Psalms: A Redemptive-Historical Vision of Scripture by David Barshinger - Barshinger explores how Jonathan Edwards saw the Psalms as a key to understanding the connection between the testaments. He reveals the Psalms' role in shaping our understanding of redemptive history.

14. Augustine on the Christian Life: Transformed by the Power of God by Gerald Bray - This volume in the Theologians on the Christian Life series provides a comprehensive and accessible biography of Augustine. It offers insights into his life and theology, making it a must-read for anyone interested in Augustine.

15. Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism by Tim Keller - Keller's guidebook on preaching provides valuable insights into balancing a broad voice outside the church with a respected preacher inside the church. It offers practical advice and strategies for effectively communicating the faith.

These 15 books cover a wide range of topics, from biblical theology to engaging with culture. They offer valuable insights and guidance for Christians seeking to deepen their understanding of the faith and live it out in the world.

In addition to these top 15 books, there are 15 more books from 2015 that you shouldn't miss:

16. God Made All of Me: A Book to Help Children Protect Their Bodies by Justin Holcomb and Lindsey Holcomb - A valuable resource for parents to teach children about body protection.

17. Honest Evangelism by Rico Tice - A practical guide to sharing the gospel with honesty and authenticity.

18. The Life You Never Expected: Thriving While Parenting Special Needs Children by Andrew Wilson and Rachel Wilson - A helpful resource for parents facing the unique challenges of raising special needs children.

19. The Mingling of Souls: God's Design for Love, Marriage, Sex, and Redemption by Matt Chandler - A biblical exploration of love, marriage, and the redemption found in Christ.

20. J. I. Packer: An Evangelical Life by Leland Ryken - A biographical account of J.I. Packer's life and his impact on evangelical Christianity.

21. A Change of Heart: A Personal and Theological Memoir by Thomas Oden - A memoir by theologian Thomas Oden reflecting on his personal and theological journey.

22. Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves by Trillia Newbell - A book that addresses the fears we face and offers biblical guidance for finding peace.

23. The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings by Philip Zaleski and Carol Zaleski - A fascinating exploration of the lives and work of the Inklings, a group of influential Christian writers.

24. The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden by Kevin DeYoung and Don Clark - A beautifully illustrated children's book that tells the story of redemption through the Bible.

25. Their Rock Is Not Like Our Rock: A Theology of Religions by Daniel Strange - A theological exploration of how Christianity relates to other religions.

26. Traces of the Trinity: Signs of God in Creation and Human Experience by Peter Leithart - A thought-provoking examination of how we can see traces of the Trinity in the world around us.

27. Bavinck on the Christian Life: Following Jesus in Faithful Service by John Bolt - A book that explores the theology and practical application of Herman Bavinck's understanding of the Christian life.

28. The Compelling Community: Where God's Power Makes a Church Attractive by Mark Dever and Jamie Dunlop - A book that explores how the power of God can make a church attractive to the world.

29. Writers to Read: Nine Names That Belong on Your Bookshelf by Douglas Wilson - A book that introduces readers to nine influential Christian writers and their works.

30. Leisure and Spirituality: Biblical, Historical, and Contemporary Perspectives by Paul Heintzman - A book that explores the role of leisure in the Christian life from biblical, historical, and contemporary perspectives.

These additional 15 books cover a wide range of topics, from parenting to apologetics, and offer valuable insights and guidance for Christians in various areas of life.

In conclusion, 2015 was a year filled with exceptional Christian books. The top 15 books of 2015 cover a wide range of topics and offer valuable insights into various aspects of the Christian life. The additional 15 books provide further depth and exploration into specific areas of interest. Whether you're looking for biblical theology, guidance on engaging with culture, or practical advice for everyday life, these books are sure to enrich your understanding and faith.
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