The Reproductive Health Act: A Horror Story for Pro-Life Advocates

The Reproductive Health Act: A Horror Story

Abortion is one of the most controversial issues of our time. The Reproductive Health Act (RHA) of New York is a law that has caused a lot of stir in the pro-life and pro-choice communities. The RHA was signed into law by Governor Andrew Cuomo on January 22, 2019. This law has made New York the most liberal state in the United States when it comes to abortion. The law allows for abortion up to the point of birth for any reason. It also allows non-physicians to perform abortions and removes any criminal penalties for performing abortions. The RHA has been called a horror story by many pro-life advocates. This article will explore the RHA and its impact on the pro-life movement.

The Reproductive Health Act: What is it?

The Reproductive Health Act was introduced in the New York State Assembly in 2006. The bill was designed to update New York’s abortion laws, which had not been changed since 1970. The bill was introduced every year since 2006 but was never brought to a vote. However, in 2019, the Democrats took control of the New York State Senate and the Assembly. This gave them the ability to pass the RHA. Governor Cuomo signed the bill into law on January 22, 2019.

The Reproductive Health Act (RHA) is a sweeping piece of legislation that makes abortion a fundamental right in New York state. The law allows for abortion up to the point of birth for any reason. It also allows non-physicians to perform abortions and removes any criminal penalties for performing abortions. The law states that a “health care practitioner” may perform an abortion during the first 24 weeks of pregnancy, or later if the abortion is necessary to protect the patient’s life or health. The law also defines “health” as including “age, economic, social and emotional factors” and removes any restrictions on late-term abortions.

The Impact of the Reproductive Health Act on the Pro-Life Movement

The Reproductive Health Act has had a significant impact on the pro-life movement. The law has been called a horror story by many pro-life advocates. The law allows for abortion up to the point of birth for any reason, including the sex of the baby. The law also allows non-physicians to perform abortions, which puts women’s lives at risk. The law removes any criminal penalties for performing abortions, which means that women who are injured during an abortion will have no legal recourse. The law also removes any protections for babies who are born alive after a failed abortion.

The pro-life movement has been fighting against abortion for decades. The Reproductive Health Act is a major setback for the movement. The law has made it easier for women to get abortions and has made it harder for pro-life advocates to protect the lives of unborn babies. The pro-life movement will have to find new ways to fight against abortion in light of the RHA.

The Biblical Perspective on Abortion

The Bible is the foundation of the pro-life movement. The Bible teaches that all human life is valuable and should be protected. The Bible also teaches that God is the Creator of life and that we are created in His image. The Bible also teaches that life begins at conception.

Psalm 139:13-16 says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

The Bible teaches that God has a plan for every life. The pro-life movement believes that every life, including the lives of unborn babies, should be protected.


The Reproductive Health Act of New York is a law that has caused a lot of controversy in the pro-life and pro-choice communities. The law allows for abortion up to the point of birth for any reason. It also allows non-physicians to perform abortions and removes any criminal penalties for performing abortions. The law has been called a horror story by many pro-life advocates. The pro-life movement has been fighting against abortion for decades, and the RHA is a major setback for the movement. The Bible teaches that all human life is valuable and should be protected. The pro-life movement believes that every life, including the lives of unborn babies, should be protected. The RHA has made it easier for women to get abortions and has made it harder for pro-life advocates to protect the lives of unborn babies. The pro-life movement will have to find new ways to fight against abortion in light of the RHA.

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