Five Essential Questions to Ask Before Consuming Cannabis

Five Questions to Ask Before Consuming Cannabis

Five Questions to Ask Before You Consume Cannabis

With the recent trends in the direction of full-scale legalization of marijuana, it is important for Christians to think more carefully about cannabis. This article aims to provide five essential questions to consider before consuming cannabis, taking into account the changing landscape and the potential impact on individuals and society.

1. Is It Legal?

One crucial aspect to consider is the legality of cannabis. While marijuana may be legal in certain regions or countries, it is still illegal in others. As Christians, we are called to submit to the governing authorities (Romans 13:1), and this includes adhering to the laws regarding drug use. Engaging in illegal activities not only undermines our witness but also goes against the biblical principle of obedience to authority. Therefore, it is important to ensure that consuming cannabis aligns with the laws of your land.

2. What Does the Bible Say?

As followers of Christ, our ultimate guide for decision-making is the Word of God. While the Bible does not explicitly mention cannabis, it does provide principles that can help us navigate this issue. For instance, the Bible warns against drunkenness (Ephesians 5:18), which can be applied to any substance that impairs our judgment and self-control. Additionally, the Bible encourages us to have sober minds and to be alert (1 Peter 5:8). It is important to consider how cannabis may affect our ability to fulfill these biblical commands and whether it aligns with the values and principles taught in Scripture.

3. What Are the Health Risks?

Before consuming cannabis, it is crucial to be aware of the potential health risks associated with its use. Research suggests that cannabis use can have negative effects on cognitive function, mental health, and motivation. It may also lead to dependency and addiction. As Christians, we are called to steward our bodies, which are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Therefore, it is important to consider the potential impact on our physical and mental well-being before making the decision to consume cannabis.

4. How Does It Affect Your Relationships?

Another important aspect to consider is how cannabis consumption may affect your relationships with others. The Bible emphasizes the importance of loving our neighbors and treating them with respect and honor (Mark 12:31; Romans 12:10). It is important to consider whether consuming cannabis may hinder our ability to fulfill these commands. Additionally, if you are in a position of influence or leadership, it is crucial to consider how your actions may impact those around you and whether consuming cannabis may be a stumbling block for others.

5. Are You Using It as an Escape?

Cannabis, like any substance, has the potential to be used as an escape from reality or as a coping mechanism for unresolved issues. As Christians, we are called to find our ultimate hope and refuge in God alone (Psalm 46:1). It is important to examine our motives and intentions when considering cannabis consumption. Are we using it as a means to avoid dealing with our problems or seeking temporary relief? It is crucial to seek the Lord's guidance and rely on His strength to face life's challenges rather than turning to substances for escape.


As the landscape surrounding cannabis continues to evolve, Christians must approach the topic with discernment and wisdom. By asking these essential questions, considering the legality, biblical principles, health risks, impact on relationships, and motives, we can make informed decisions that align with our faith and bring glory to God. Ultimately, our goal should be to honor God with our bodies, minds, and actions, seeking His guidance and relying on His Word to navigate the complex issues of our time.

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