The Reality of Satan and Demons: Why Ignoring Them is Dangerous

We Must Not Ignore the Reality of Satan and Demons

As Christians, we are called to believe in the reality of Satan and his demons. The Bible is replete with references to the existence of these evil beings, and the Scriptures make it clear that they are active in the world today.

The Reality of Satan and Demons

The Bible teaches us that Satan is a real being who is actively opposed to God and his people. In fact, Satan is referred to as “the god of this world” in 2 Corinthians 4:4, and he is described as a roaring lion who is seeking someone to devour in 1 Peter 5:8.

Satan is not alone, however. He has a host of demons who serve him and carry out his bidding. These demons are also real beings who seek to do harm to God’s people and to undermine his purposes in the world.

It is important to note that Satan and his demons are not just the stuff of myth and legend. They are not mere figments of our imagination. They are real beings with real power and influence in the world today.

The Danger of Ignoring the Reality of Satan and Demons

Despite the clear teaching of Scripture on the reality of Satan and his demons, many Christians today choose to ignore this truth. They believe that Satan and his minions are nothing more than ancient superstitions, and that their influence in the world is minimal.

But this is a dangerous mindset to have. When we ignore the reality of Satan and his demons, we are playing right into their hands. We are giving them the opportunity to operate unchecked in our lives and in the world around us.

When we ignore the reality of Satan and his demons, we are also failing to take seriously the spiritual warfare that is taking place all around us. We are failing to put on the armor of God and to stand firm against the schemes of the devil (Ephesians 6:10-18).

The Importance of Being Prepared

As Christians, we must be prepared to face the reality of Satan and his demons. We must be aware of their tactics and strategies, and we must be equipped to resist them.

This means that we must be grounded in the truth of God’s Word. We must know what the Bible says about Satan and his demons, and we must be able to recognize their lies and deceptions.

We must also be committed to prayer and to seeking God’s protection and guidance in our lives. We must be vigilant and alert, always on the lookout for the enemy’s attacks.

The Ultimate Victory

While it is important to take the reality of Satan and his demons seriously, we must also remember that our ultimate victory is assured. Jesus Christ has already defeated Satan and his demons through his death and resurrection, and one day he will return to finally and completely destroy their power.

As Christians, we can take comfort in this truth and rest assured that we are on the winning side. We can stand firm in our faith, knowing that nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39).


In conclusion, we dare not ignore the reality of Satan and his demons. We must take seriously the spiritual warfare that is taking place all around us, and we must be prepared to resist the enemy’s attacks.

But we can also take comfort in the fact that our ultimate victory is assured through Jesus Christ. So let us stand firm in our faith, knowing that we have nothing to fear from Satan and his minions.

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