God Behind Me, God Before Me: Finding Redemption in the Past & Embracing God's

God Behind Me, God Before Me

God Behind Me, God Before Me

The end of a year invites us to take a look backward and forward — back to the year whose last pages are turning, forward to the year whose cover lies before us. Depending on where you are in life, however, studying the past and the future might feel like more than you can bear.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the weight of your past? Moments when you recount your failures, missed opportunities, and broken relationships, and it feels like a never-ending list of disappointments? It's easy to let these negative memories bury the mercies of God and darken the promises He has for your future.

But as God's people, we are called to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Our faith must be our guide as we reflect on the past and anticipate the future. And with faith, our interpretation of the past and the future can be radically different from what our worst moments would suggest.

Finding Redemption in the Past

When faith looks to the past, it sees more than a string of failures and disappointments. It sees God's faithfulness and His ability to redeem even the darkest moments. The Bible is filled with stories of God's redemption and restoration. Just think about Joseph's life. He experienced betrayal by his brothers, was sold into slavery, and spent years in prison. But in the end, God used those very circumstances to save his family and bring about a great deliverance (Genesis 37-50).

Similarly, consider the life of the apostle Paul. Before his conversion, he persecuted Christians and played a significant role in their suffering. Yet, God transformed him, and Paul became one of the most influential figures in the early church, spreading the gospel to countless people. He wrote letters to the churches that continue to encourage and guide us today.

God's redemptive work is not limited to biblical times. Throughout history, countless individuals have experienced His transformative power. Drug addicts have become counselors, broken families have been restored, and the most unlikely people have been used by God to accomplish extraordinary things. Your past does not define you; God's redemptive power does.

Embracing God's Promises for the Future

As we step into the unknown of the future, it's natural to feel apprehensive. But faith allows us to see beyond our limited perspective and trust in God's promises. In Jeremiah 29:11, God says, "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." These words were spoken to the people of Israel during a time of exile and uncertainty. They remind us that God has a good plan for our lives, no matter how uncertain or challenging the future may appear.

Even when we face trials and difficulties, we can find hope in the promise of Romans 8:28: "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." This verse assures us that God is always at work, even in the midst of our struggles, to bring about good and fulfill His purpose in our lives.

Throughout the Bible, we see how God remained faithful to His people, even in their darkest hours. He delivered them from slavery in Egypt, provided for them in the wilderness, and brought them back from exile. God's faithfulness in the past is a guarantee of His faithfulness in the future. As Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."

Walking by Faith in 2023 and Beyond

As we enter the year 2023, let us remember that our faith is not anchored in the past or limited to the present. It extends into the future, where God's promises await. No matter what challenges or uncertainties lie ahead, we can trust that God is with us, working all things for our good and His glory. Our past may contain brokenness, but our future is filled with hope and redemption.

So, let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author, and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Let us walk by faith and not by sight, allowing God's faithfulness to guide our steps. As we look back on the past, may we see His hand at work, redeeming and transforming our brokenness. And as we look forward to the future, may we embrace His promises with confidence, knowing that He is faithful to fulfill them.


The journey of life is filled with ups and downs, successes and failures, joys and sorrows. But through it all, God remains steadfast. He stands behind us, redeeming our past, and before us, fulfilling His promises for the future. As we navigate the year 2023 and beyond, let us hold onto our faith and trust in the unchanging character of God.

Remember, your past does not define you, and your future is not determined by your circumstances. God is the author of your story, and He has a plan for your life. So, with faith as your guide, step into the future with confidence, knowing that the God who is behind you and before you is faithful and will never forsake you.

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