The Real Cause of Suffering: Looking Inward for Answers

Who is Responsible for Your Suffering?

When suffering comes knocking on our door, we instinctively search for someone or something to blame. It's human nature to want to know what or who caused our pain. Whether it's an illness, an accident, or a natural disaster, we want answers. We want to assign fault and find someone to hold responsible.

But what if I told you that there's a different perspective to consider? What if I told you that instead of focusing on the external causes of our suffering, we should turn our gaze inward?

The Real Cause of Suffering

According to the Bible, the root of all suffering can be traced back to the fallen state of humanity. When Adam and Eve chose to disobey God in the Garden of Eden, sin entered the world, and with it, suffering became a part of our reality (Genesis 3:16-19).

But why would God allow suffering to exist? Why doesn't He intervene and put an end to it?

The Purpose of Suffering

While it may seem paradoxical, suffering serves a purpose in our lives. It is through suffering that we are refined and strengthened, just as gold is purified in the fire (1 Peter 1:6-7). Suffering teaches us humility, dependence on God, and empathy for others who are also going through difficult times.

Moreover, suffering allows us to experience the comfort and presence of God in a profound way. When we are at our lowest point, it is then that we can truly understand the depth of His love and find solace in His arms (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

The Role of Free Will

Another factor to consider is the role of free will in causing suffering. God has given us the freedom to make choices, and sometimes those choices lead to negative consequences. Our actions, whether intentional or unintentional, can have far-reaching effects on ourselves and others.

For example, reckless driving can result in a devastating accident, and the consequences of that action can cause immense suffering for both the driver and innocent bystanders. In this case, the suffering is not directly caused by God but is a result of the choices made by individuals.

Seeking God in the Midst of Suffering

When we find ourselves in the midst of suffering, it is crucial that we turn to God rather than blaming Him. He is not the author of our pain, but He is the source of healing and restoration. Just as a loving parent comforts a hurting child, God longs to comfort us in our times of distress (Psalm 34:18).

Instead of asking, "Who is responsible for my suffering?" let us ask, "How can God use this suffering for my good and His glory?" By shifting our perspective, we open ourselves up to the transformative work that God wants to do in and through us.


Suffering is an inevitable part of the human experience. Instead of fixating on external causes, let us recognize that our fallen nature and free will play a role in the suffering we endure. However, God does not leave us alone in our pain. He walks with us, comforts us, and uses our suffering to shape us into the people He created us to be.

So, the next time suffering comes knocking on your door, remember that God is not the cause of your pain, but He is the answer to your pain. Turn to Him, seek His comfort, and trust that He will use your suffering for a greater purpose.

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