The Intimate Knowledge and Love of Jesus: Being Known by the Good Shepherd

As believers, we have the incredible privilege of being known by Jesus. In John 10:27, Jesus declares, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them." This knowledge that Jesus has of his sheep goes beyond a superficial understanding. It is intimate and personal, just like a shepherd knowing the individual names of his sheep.

When Jesus says, "I know them," he is affirming that he knows each of his sheep by name. This means that he knows us individually and intimately. We are not lost in the crowd or anonymous to him. He sees us, recognizes us, and calls us by name. We are not just part of the flock; we are known and loved by the Good Shepherd.

In John 10:14-15, Jesus further illuminates this knowledge he has of his sheep. He says, "I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father." Here, we see a connection between the way Jesus knows his Father and the way he knows his disciples. There is a similarity in the way Jesus recognizes his own character in his followers. He sees his own brand mark on the sheep, and this endears them to him.

Imagine a husband waiting eagerly at the airport, watching as each person disembarks from the plane. He knows his wife is on that plane, and as soon as he sees her, he recognizes her features, her eyes that reflect the love they share. He delights in her presence, and she is the only one he embraces. Similarly, Jesus knows us intimately, recognizing our unique features and seeing his own love reflected in our eyes. We are not just another face in the crowd; we are deeply cherished by our Savior.

The apostle Paul affirms this truth in 2 Timothy 2:19, saying, "God's firm foundation stands, bearing this seal: 'The Lord knows those who are his.'" This seal of knowing and being known by the Lord is a precious gift to all his sheep. It signifies a deep, personal fellowship and affection between the Shepherd and his flock. It also carries with it the promise of eternal life, for those whom Jesus knows intimately are the ones he calls his own.

To be known personally, intimately, and lovingly by the Son of God is an extraordinary privilege. It is a gift that we should never take for granted. Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows our strengths, our weaknesses, our fears, and our dreams. He knows the deepest desires of our hearts and the burdens we carry. And yet, despite knowing all of this, he loves us unconditionally.

This knowledge that Jesus has of his sheep should bring us great comfort and assurance. We can trust that he will guide us, protect us, and provide for us. Just as a shepherd leads his sheep to green pastures and still waters, Jesus leads us on the path of righteousness (Psalm 23:2-3). He knows the way we should go, and he lovingly directs our steps.

Moreover, this knowledge also calls us to a deeper intimacy with Jesus. Just as he knows us intimately, we are called to know him intimately as well. We are invited to spend time in his presence, to study his Word, and to seek his face. As we cultivate this relationship with Jesus, we will come to know him more and more, experiencing the joy of being intimately connected to the Good Shepherd.

In conclusion, the knowledge that Jesus has of his sheep is not a superficial knowledge. It is personal, intimate, and loving. He knows us by name, recognizing our unique features and seeing his own love reflected in our eyes. This knowledge brings us comfort, assurance, and the promise of eternal life. May we never take for granted the incredible privilege of being known by Jesus, and may we continually seek to know him more intimately. Let us rest in the arms of our Good Shepherd, knowing that we are deeply cherished and loved.
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