The Incalculable Wonder of Being a Christian: Embracing the Supernatural Life

The Incalculable Wonder of Being a Christian

The Incalculable Wonder of Being a Christian

As a Christian, you have the incredible privilege of experiencing the supernatural every day. Living as a new creature in Christ is beyond comprehension (Galatians 6:15). It's a journey filled with awe-inspiring moments and an unexplainable joy.

However, it's unfortunate that many believers fail to fully grasp and embrace this reality. The Apostle Paul understood this struggle and prayed for the Ephesian believers, asking God to reveal the immeasurable greatness of His power towards those who believe (Ephesians 1:18–19). He recognized the need for God to teach them the wonders of their own experiences and identity in Christ. Similarly, we need God to show us who we are through His Word and work.

At times, it may seem strange that we are called walking miracles. Yet, the Bible reminds us that we were once dead in our trespasses and sins, but God made us alive through Christ (Ephesians 2:1, 5). It's a resurrection-like transformation that we may not always feel, but it's a truth we can hold onto.

The Supernatural Life of a Christian

When we become Christians, we enter into a life that is far from ordinary. We are no longer bound by the limitations of our human nature, but instead, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to live a supernatural life. This supernatural life is characterized by:

  • 1. Redemption: Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we have been redeemed from the power of sin and reconciled with God (Romans 3:24, 2 Corinthians 5:18).

  • 2. Transformation: As new creatures in Christ, we are continuously being transformed into His image, experiencing a renewed mind and heart (Romans 12:2, 2 Corinthians 3:18).

  • 3. Divine Guidance: The Holy Spirit dwells within us, guiding and leading us into all truth (John 16:13). We have access to divine wisdom and direction in our daily lives.

  • 4. Spiritual Gifts: Each believer is uniquely gifted by the Holy Spirit for the edification of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:7, Romans 12:6).

  • 5. Victory over Sin: Through Christ, we have the power to overcome sin and live victoriously (Romans 6:14, 1 Corinthians 10:13).

Embracing the Wonder

As we reflect on the incalculable wonder of being a Christian, we must actively embrace and walk in the reality of our supernatural identity. Here are a few ways to do so:

1. Dive into God's Word

The Bible is not just a book; it is the living Word of God that reveals His character, promises, and instructions for our lives. By immersing ourselves in Scripture, we gain a deeper understanding of who we are in Christ and the wonders He has bestowed upon us.

2. Cultivate a Prayerful Life

Prayer is our direct line of communication with God. It is through prayer that we can seek His guidance, express our gratitude, and experience His presence. As we engage in a consistent and heartfelt prayer life, we open ourselves up to the supernatural workings of God in our lives.

3. Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

Living a supernatural life requires us to trust in God's promises and step out in faith, even when circumstances may seem challenging or uncertain. As we fix our eyes on Jesus and rely on His strength, we can confidently navigate the ups and downs of life, knowing that He is with us every step of the way.

4. Embrace the Power of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is our constant companion and source of power. By surrendering to His leading and allowing Him to work in and through us, we can tap into the supernatural abilities and gifts He has given us. The Holy Spirit empowers us to live a life that reflects the character of Christ.

The Impact of a Supernatural Life

Living as a supernatural Christian not only transforms our own lives but also has a ripple effect on those around us. Our transformed lives become a testimony of God's power and love, drawing others to Him. By embracing our supernatural identity, we become agents of change in a world that desperately needs the hope and light of Christ.

As we navigate the year 2023 and beyond, let us not be content with a mediocre Christian existence. Instead, let us fully embrace the supernatural wonders of being a Christian and allow God to work mightily in and through us. May we continually seek His presence, walk in His power, and impact the world around us for His glory.

Remember, being a Christian is not just about attending church services or following a set of rules. It's about living a life marked by the miraculous and experiencing the immeasurable greatness of God's power. So, let us never lose sight of the incalculable wonder of being a Christian.

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