God's Work in Unremarkable Days: Finding Purpose in the Ordinary

God is at Work in Your Unremarkable Days

As we go through life, we often experience moments of great joy or deep sorrow. We remember these times vividly and often look back on them with great significance. However, there are many days in our lives that seem unremarkable, mundane, and forgettable. We go about our daily routines without much thought, feeling as if nothing of great importance is happening. We may even wonder if God is at work during these unremarkable days.

But the truth is, God is at work in every moment of our lives, even the unremarkable ones. The Bible teaches us that God is sovereign over all things and that nothing happens outside of his control. He is at work even when we do not see it or feel it. In fact, some of the most significant moments in the Bible happen during times of relative obscurity and unremarkable days.

God's Work in Unremarkable Days in the Bible

Let's take a look at some examples from the Bible where God was at work during unremarkable days.

The Story of Joseph

Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and taken to Egypt, where he served as a slave in Potiphar's household. For years, Joseph went about his daily routine, working hard and serving faithfully. It was during this seemingly unremarkable time that God was at work, preparing Joseph for the great work he had for him to do.

Through a series of events, Joseph was eventually promoted to second in command in all of Egypt, where he was able to save his family and the entire nation from a severe famine. Joseph's unremarkable days of serving as a slave in Potiphar's household were a crucial part of God's plan for his life.

The Story of Ruth

Ruth was a young widow who had lost her husband and was living with her mother-in-law, Naomi. Ruth went about her daily routine of gleaning in the fields, gathering leftover grain after the harvest. It was during this unremarkable time that God was at work, bringing Boaz into Ruth's life.

Boaz was a wealthy landowner who showed kindness to Ruth and eventually married her, becoming part of the lineage of Jesus Christ. Ruth's unremarkable days of gleaning in the fields were a crucial part of God's plan for her life and the salvation of the world.

The Story of David

David was a shepherd boy who spent his days tending to his father's sheep. It was during this seemingly unremarkable time that God was at work, preparing David to become the king of Israel.

David's unremarkable days of tending to sheep were a crucial part of God's plan for his life. It was during this time that David learned to trust in God, to fight off predators, and to lead others. These skills would serve him well when he became the king of Israel.

What the Bible Teaches About Unremarkable Days

The Bible teaches us that God is at work in all things, even the unremarkable days. Here are some verses that remind us of this truth:

  • Psalm 139:16: "Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them."

  • Proverbs 16:9: "The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps."

  • Ephesians 1:11: "In him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will."

These verses remind us that God has a plan for our lives, and he is at work in every moment, even the unremarkable ones. We can trust in God's sovereignty and his goodness, knowing that he is working all things together for our good and his glory.

How to Trust God in Unremarkable Days

So how can we trust God in the unremarkable days of our lives? Here are a few things to remember:

1. Remember God's Sovereignty

We can trust in God's sovereignty, knowing that he is in control of all things. When we feel as if nothing of great importance is happening, we can remember that God is still at work, and his plan is still unfolding.

2. Look for God's Work

We can look for God's work in the unremarkable days of our lives. Even when we do not see it or feel it, God is at work. We can look for his hand in the small things, knowing that he is using even the unremarkable days to shape us and prepare us for the work he has for us to do.

3. Trust in God's Goodness

We can trust in God's goodness, knowing that he loves us and has our best interests at heart. When we feel as if nothing of great importance is happening, we can trust that God is working all things together for our good and his glory.

4. Be Faithful in the Small Things

We can be faithful in the small things, knowing that God is preparing us for greater things. When we feel as if nothing of great importance is happening, we can continue to serve God faithfully, knowing that he sees our work and will reward us in due time.


God is at work in every moment of our lives, even the unremarkable ones. We can trust in his sovereignty, look for his work, trust in his goodness, and be faithful in the small things. As we do these things, we can rest in the knowledge that God is working all things together for our good and his glory.

So let us embrace the unremarkable days of our lives, knowing that God is at work in them, preparing us for the great work he has for us to do. Let us trust in God's plan and his goodness, knowing that he is with us always, even in the unremarkable days.

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