The Good, Unwanted Gift of Singleness: Finding Purpose and Trusting God's Timing

The Good, Unwanted Gift of Singleness

The Good, Unwanted Gift of Singleness

I wanted an MRS degree. Instead, I got a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science.

I was never the girl who dreamed about getting married. I entered college single, and ready to take on the
world. I had Christ, I was getting a good education, and I was content. Desires for a family lived somewhere
out in the land of my thirties.

At some point in my college years, childhood friends began getting engaged, married, and then pregnant. Very
quickly, “it is not good for man to be alone” started sounding like me, too.

One morning, I scrolled across a post that yet another friend had gotten engaged. She was a good friend, and
I was happy for her. I started to cry. I realized, though, that the tears welling up in my eyes were not
the joy that I felt for her. They were there because I wished I was posting about my engagement,
and not her.

In that moment, I realized that all I wanted was to be married and to start a family. The wife and mom job
description seemed like the perfect fit for me. But God had other plans.

The Unwanted Gift

As a Christian, I believe that singleness is a gift from God, whether it is desired or not. It can be a
difficult gift to receive, especially when our desires and plans do not align with God's timing.

Singleness is not a curse or a punishment, but rather an opportunity to serve and honor God in unique ways.
It allows for undivided devotion to the Lord and opportunities for growth and ministry that may not be
available in the same capacity for those who are married.

When we view singleness as a gift, we can begin to see the goodness in it, even when it is not what we
initially desired. It is an invitation to trust God's plan and to find joy and contentment in the season
that we are in.

Biblical Perspective on Singleness

The Bible provides us with examples of individuals who embraced singleness and used it for God's glory. The
apostle Paul, for instance, was single and dedicated his life to spreading the gospel and building the
early church.

In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul acknowledges the challenges of singleness but also highlights the unique
opportunities it presents for serving the Lord. He encourages believers to remain content in whatever
circumstances they find themselves in, whether married or single.

Jesus himself was single and fully satisfied in his relationship with the Father. He prioritized his mission
and purpose on earth above all else, including seeking a human romantic partner.

Finding Purpose in Singleness

While the desire for marriage and family is natural, it is essential to remember that our ultimate purpose
in life is to glorify God. Singleness provides a unique opportunity to focus on that purpose without the
distractions and responsibilities that come with marriage and family life.

Instead of viewing singleness as a waiting period for marriage, we can embrace it as a season of growth,
service, and deepening our relationship with the Lord. It is a time to discover and develop our gifts and
talents, to serve others, and to pursue the passions and callings that God has placed within us.

Just as a single flower can bring beauty to a garden, our singleness can bring beauty to the body of Christ.
We have the freedom and flexibility to invest our time, energy, and resources into Kingdom work and to love
and serve others in unique ways.

Trusting God's Timing

It can be challenging to trust God's timing when our desires for marriage and family are unfulfilled.
However, as Christians, we are called to trust in God's sovereignty and to believe that He knows what is
best for us.

God's timing is perfect, even when it does not align with our own. He sees the bigger picture and knows what
is best for our lives. We can find comfort and peace in knowing that He is working all things together for
our good (Romans 8:28).

As we trust in God's timing, we can find contentment and joy in our singleness. We can rest in the assurance
that God has a plan and purpose for our lives, regardless of our relationship status.


Singleness may not have been the desired path for our lives, but it is a gift that God has given us. It is an
opportunity to grow in our relationship with Him, to serve others, and to pursue our passions and

Let us embrace singleness as a good, unwanted gift and trust in God's timing for our lives. May we find joy,
contentment, and purpose in this season, knowing that God is with us every step of the way.

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