Prioritizing Church in Busy Family Life: Finding Time for Worship

No Family is Too Busy for Church

If you are married and have children, you likely have become more acquainted with finitude. Singleness, for all of its unique challenges, often conceals our physical limitations. We still get tired, of course, but most of the time, we can do what we need to (and much of what we want to), while still maintaining space to rest and recharge. Family, for all of its unique blessings, tears away that sense of autonomy. Children in particular soak up a great deal of any margin we may have enjoyed. When they’re young, it’s diapers, snacks, tantrums, and endless awkwardly worded questions about everything. As they age, it’s the rigors of school, the joys and heartaches of friendships, sports schedules and other activities, and hard questions about the future. Any healthy family demands a lot from parents.

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