The Glorious Power of Living an Ordinary Christian Life

The Glorious and Radical Ordinary Christian Life

As Christians, we are called to have a profound impact on the world around us. Just like the early followers of Jesus who turned the world upside down (Acts 17:6–7), we are meant to bring about radical transformation. However, this notion of radical living often conjures up images of extreme measures and drastic sacrifices. We imagine selling all our possessions, abandoning our current lives, and venturing off to remote corners of the world to spread the gospel.

But what if I told you there is another way? What if I told you that living an ordinary life can also have a radical impact for God's kingdom? That's the perspective Tony Merida presents in his insightful book, Ordinary: How to Turn the World Upside Down. Merida challenges us to embrace a new normal, where we recognize that most gospel ministry involves everyday people doing ordinary things with intentional gospel focus.

The Power of Ordinary

Embracing the power of ordinary living doesn't mean settling for mediocrity or complacency. It means understanding the extraordinary potential embedded within our ordinary lives. Merida reminds us that Jesus Himself was born into an ordinary family, grew up in an ordinary town, and lived an ordinary life for thirty years before embarking on His public ministry.

Similarly, the early disciples were fishermen, tax collectors, and ordinary men and women who were transformed by the power of the gospel. They didn't possess special skills or qualifications; they simply responded to Jesus' call and allowed Him to work through their ordinary lives.

Today, we are called to follow in their footsteps. We don't need to abandon our current circumstances or pursue grandiose endeavors to make a difference. Instead, we can make an impact right where we are, in the midst of our everyday routines and relationships.

Living with Gospel Intentionality

The key to living an ordinary life with extraordinary impact lies in gospel intentionality. This means intentionally aligning our lives with the message and mission of Jesus. It involves being intentional in our relationships, our work, our leisure activities, and our involvement in our communities.

When we live with gospel intentionality, it transforms the ordinary into something extraordinary. Our mundane tasks become opportunities to demonstrate the love and grace of Christ. Our conversations become avenues for sharing the hope we have in Him. Our interactions with others become moments to reflect His character and point them to the truth of the gospel.

Living with gospel intentionality also means seeking opportunities to share the message of salvation with those who have not yet heard. It means stepping out of our comfort zones and engaging with people who may be different from us. It means being willing to be vulnerable and transparent about our own struggles and experiences, so that others may see the power of Christ at work in our lives.

Biblical Examples of Ordinary Impact

Throughout the Bible, we find numerous examples of ordinary individuals making a significant impact for God's kingdom. Consider the story of Esther, an ordinary Jewish girl who became queen and used her position to save her people from destruction. Despite her initial fear and uncertainty, she embraced her calling and trusted in God's providence.

Then there's the story of the boy with the five loaves and two fish. In the hands of Jesus, this ordinary meal fed thousands of people. The boy's willingness to offer what he had, despite its seeming insignificance, demonstrated the power of God's multiplication.

And let's not forget the story of the Good Samaritan. In a world where religious leaders prioritized their own agendas, it was an ordinary Samaritan who displayed true compassion and love for his neighbor. His simple act of kindness continues to inspire and challenge us today.

These biblical examples remind us that God delights in using ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things. When we offer our lives to Him, no matter how ordinary they may seem, He can work through us to bring about impactful change.

Living Extraordinarily Today

As we consider how to live an extraordinary life in 2023 and beyond, let's reflect on these timeless principles:

1. Embrace Your Ordinary Life:

Recognize that your current circumstances and daily routines are not hindrances but opportunities. God can use your ordinary life to bring about extraordinary transformation.

2. Live with Gospel Intentionality:

Intentionally align your thoughts, words, and actions with the message and mission of Jesus. Let the gospel permeate every aspect of your life, and be intentional in sharing it with others.

3. Trust in God's Power:

Remember that it's not about your abilities or qualifications. It's about surrendering to God's power and allowing Him to work through your ordinary life. Trust in His sovereignty and rely on His strength.

4. Be Open to Divine Interruptions:

Stay alert to the opportunities God brings your way, even if they disrupt your plans or seem insignificant. God often works through unexpected circumstances and uses ordinary moments to accomplish extraordinary purposes.

Living an extraordinary life doesn't mean abandoning the ordinary. It means embracing the potential within our everyday lives and allowing God to work through us. We have the privilege of turning the world upside down, not through radical measures, but through ordinary lives lived with gospel intentionality.

So, as you go about your day-to-day activities, remember that you have the power to make a radical impact right where you are. Engage with those around you, be intentional in living out the gospel, and trust in God's power to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

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