Unveiling the Greater Purpose: Why Every Marriage Needs a Mission

Every Marriage Needs a Mission

Every Marriage Needs a Mission

When we think of romantic, married love, we often envision a couple facing each other, their eyes locked in mutual affection. This image holds immense beauty and significance, as it reflects the deep connection and love between husband and wife. However, true marital fulfillment goes beyond just gazing into each other's eyes.

In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve to be companions and partners. Adam's first words to Eve were a serenade, expressing his admiration and love for her. In the Song of Solomon, we witness the poetic celebration of love, where the whole world serves as a backdrop to the beauty of the beloved. Even in the future, our Lord Jesus will present the church to himself in splendor, as a bride adorned and deeply adored (Ephesians 5:27).

While it is natural for friends to stand side by side, absorbed in a common interest, lovers are typically face to face, absorbed in each other's presence (C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves). However, marriage calls for more than just this inward gaze. If we allow ourselves to be exclusively absorbed in each other, our love can become unhealthy and stagnant. There is a greater purpose that God has designed for marriage.

A Deeper Purpose

When God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone," he was not just talking about physical companionship. He was highlighting the need for a deeper purpose and mission in marriage. God created marriage to be a partnership in which couples can fulfill a greater calling together.

Just as God has a mission for each individual's life, he also has a mission for every marriage. This mission goes beyond personal happiness and fulfillment. It involves partnering with God in his work of redemption and restoration in the world.

Marriage provides a unique platform for spouses to support and encourage one another in their individual callings, while also pursuing a shared mission. It is through the unity and love within a marriage that God can use couples to make a significant impact on the world around them.

Discovering Your Mission

Discovering your mission as a married couple involves seeking God's guidance and aligning your hearts with his purposes. Here are some steps to help you on this journey:

1. Seek God's Direction

Start by seeking God's direction through prayer and studying his Word. Ask him to reveal his purposes for your marriage and guide you in discerning your unique mission. The Bible is filled with examples of couples who were called by God to fulfill specific tasks together.

For instance, in the Old Testament, we see the partnership between Abraham and Sarah, who were chosen by God to be the parents of a great nation. They had to trust God's promise and work together to fulfill their calling. Similarly, in the New Testament, we learn about the missionary journeys of Paul and his companions, who shared the mission of spreading the gospel.

2. Identify Your Gifts and Passions

Take time to identify your individual gifts, talents, and passions. Consider how these can be combined to serve a greater purpose as a couple. God has uniquely equipped each spouse with specific abilities and interests that can be used to advance his kingdom.

Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses, and discuss with your spouse how you can complement each other in pursuing your mission. This may involve using your skills in areas such as teaching, hospitality, leadership, compassion, or creative arts to bless others and bring glory to God.

3. Set Goals and Take Action

Once you have a clearer understanding of your mission and how your gifts can be utilized, set specific goals as a couple. These goals should align with God's purposes and the values you hold as a family.

Break down your mission into smaller, actionable steps. Determine what practical actions you can take to contribute to your mission on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. By setting goals and taking intentional steps, you can make progress towards fulfilling your mission together.

Impact Beyond Your Marriage

When a marriage is driven by a shared mission, it has the potential to impact not only the couple but also those around them. Your love and commitment to each other, rooted in a greater purpose, can be a powerful testimony to the world.

As you pursue your mission together, you will encounter challenges and obstacles along the way. However, your shared commitment to God's calling will provide the strength and resilience needed to overcome these hurdles.

By actively living out your mission, you can inspire others to seek a deeper purpose in their own relationships and marriages. Your example can encourage others to align their lives with God's purposes and experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from living in line with his will.

In Conclusion

Every marriage needs a mission. As you embark on this journey to discover and live out your unique mission as a couple, remember to continually seek God's guidance and rely on his strength. Together, you can make a lasting impact on the world and leave a legacy of love and purpose.

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