Speak the Truth to Yourself: Finding Strength and Hope in Difficult Times

Speak the Truth to Yourself

Speak the Truth to Yourself

I woke up feeling sick this morning and immediately thought to myself, "I'll never make it through the day." The weight of my responsibilities seemed unbearable, especially with my husband leaving town for work. How was I going to manage the kids while feeling like this? Negative thoughts flooded my mind, and I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed, stressed, and irritable.

Talking to Ourselves

I remember teasing my mother for talking out loud to herself, but now I find myself doing the same thing. While most of us may not be in the habit of speaking out loud, we all engage in an internal dialogue. The problem is that we often fail to respond to ourselves.

Psalm 42 provides a beautiful example of talking to oneself. The psalmist expresses deep sorrow, saying, "My tears have been my food day and night" (verse 3). But then he engages in a conversation with his own soul, asking, "Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me?" (verse 5).

The psalmist demonstrates the importance of speaking truth to ourselves. In the midst of his sorrow, he doesn't allow his soul to wallow in despair. Instead, he questions his own emotions and directs himself back to the source of hope and comfort.

Silencing the Lies

When we face difficult circumstances or negative emotions, it's easy for our minds to be filled with lies. We may hear thoughts like, "I can't handle this," "I'm not good enough," or "I'll never get through this." These lies only serve to keep us stuck in a cycle of negativity and self-doubt.

But just as the psalmist spoke truth to his own soul, we too have the power to silence the lies and replace them with God's promises. The Bible is filled with truth that can counteract every lie that tries to hold us captive.

Claiming God's Promises

One of the most powerful ways to speak truth to ourselves is by claiming God's promises. For example, when we feel overwhelmed, we can remind ourselves of Jesus' words in Matthew 11:28-30, where he invites us to come to him and find rest for our souls.

When we feel inadequate, we can turn to 2 Corinthians 12:9, where God assures us that his grace is sufficient for us and his power is made perfect in our weakness.

These promises are not just empty words; they are the very words of God. They are a source of strength, comfort, and hope in the midst of our struggles. But in order to claim them, we need to be intentional about speaking them to ourselves.

Speaking Truth Today and in the Future

As we navigate the challenges of 2023 and beyond, it's crucial that we continue to speak truth to ourselves. The world around us may be filled with uncertainty, fear, and confusion, but we can anchor ourselves in the unchanging truth of God's Word.

Just as the psalmist found solace in talking to his own soul, we too can find peace and strength by engaging in a conversation with ourselves. We can ask ourselves, "Why am I feeling this way? What does the truth of God's Word say about this situation?"

By speaking truth to ourselves, we are aligning our thoughts and emotions with the reality of who God is and what he has promised us. We are reminding ourselves that we are not alone, that God is with us, and that he is faithful to fulfill his promises.


So, the next time you find yourself overwhelmed, stressed, or discouraged, take a moment to pause and speak truth to yourself. Replace the lies with God's promises and remind yourself of his faithfulness. Engage in a conversation with your own soul, just as the psalmist did.

Remember, speaking truth to yourself is not just a one-time event; it's an ongoing practice. As we continue to navigate the challenges of this year and the future, let's make it a habit to speak truth, claim God's promises, and find strength and hope in the midst of every trial.

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