The Harmful Effects of Whitewashing Biblical Characters: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

The Harmful Effects of Whitewashing Biblical Characters

As a child, I attended Sunday school regularly and was often asked to participate in coloring activities. I remember vividly how my peers would fight over the red, purple, and green crayons to color in Joseph's coat and the yellow crayon to bring the sun to life. However, when it came to coloring in the people, there was little to no excitement. In fact, no one ever fought over the black, brown, or tan crayons.

Looking back, I realize that this lack of enthusiasm for coloring in the people was due to the fact that the characters in the Bible were almost always depicted as white. Jesus, for instance, was always portrayed as having flowing brown hair, sky-blue eyes, and white skin. This assumption may seem harmless to those in the majority culture, but for minorities, it has had a devastating effect.

Whitewashing in the Bible

Whitewashing in the Bible refers to the practice of portraying biblical characters as white, even though there is no evidence of this in the Bible itself. This practice has been prevalent in Western culture for centuries and has had a profound effect on minority communities.

For instance, the story of Adam and Eve is often depicted with Eve holding the forbidden fruit, while Adam stands by her side. They are usually portrayed with light skin tones, and the devil is sometimes depicted as a serpent. However, the Bible does not describe the color of their skin or that of the serpent.

Similarly, Moses is often depicted as a white man, even though he was born and raised in Egypt. The Bible describes Moses as having a speech impediment, but it does not mention the color of his skin. Nevertheless, movies and television shows have portrayed him as white, which has perpetuated the harmful practice of whitewashing biblical characters.

The Harmful Effects of Whitewashing

Whitewashing has had a profound effect on minority communities. For instance, when Jesus is portrayed as a white man, it sends a message to minority communities that Christianity is a religion for white people only. This message is not only false but also harmful. It creates a feeling of exclusion among minorities and reinforces the idea that they are not welcome in Christian spaces.

Whitewashing also perpetuates the harmful idea that white is superior to other races. When characters in the Bible are depicted as white, it sends a message to people of color that they are inferior. This message is not only false but also damaging to the self-esteem of minority communities. It reinforces the idea that white is the standard of beauty and that people of color are not beautiful.

Furthermore, whitewashing erases the rich cultural heritage of people of color. When biblical characters are depicted as white, it erases their culture and history. It reinforces the idea that people of color have no history or culture worth celebrating. This erasure is not only harmful but also disrespectful to the rich cultural heritage of minority communities.

The Biblical Basis for Diversity

The Bible teaches us that diversity is a gift from God. In fact, the Bible celebrates diversity and recognizes the beauty in it. In the book of Genesis, God creates Adam and Eve in His own image. This means that all human beings are created in the image of God, regardless of their skin color or ethnicity (Genesis 1:26-27).

Furthermore, the Bible teaches us that God's love is for all people. In the book of John, Jesus tells us that God sent Him to save the world, not just one race or ethnicity (John 3:16).

Moreover, the Bible teaches us that diversity is essential to the body of Christ. In the book of Corinthians, Paul tells us that the body of Christ is made up of many parts, each with its own unique function (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). This means that every person, regardless of their race or ethnicity, has a role to play in the body of Christ.

The Importance of Accurate Representation

Accurate representation is essential in promoting diversity and inclusion in Christian spaces. When biblical characters are depicted accurately, it sends a message to minorities that they are welcome in Christian spaces. It also promotes the idea that Christianity is a religion for all people, not just one race or ethnicity.

Furthermore, accurate representation promotes the idea that all cultures and histories are worth celebrating. It recognizes the beauty in diversity and promotes the idea that every person, regardless of their race or ethnicity, has a unique contribution to make to the body of Christ.

The Role of the Church in Promoting Diversity and Inclusion

The church has a crucial role to play in promoting diversity and inclusion. The church should be a place where all people feel welcome and valued, regardless of their race or ethnicity. This means that the church should be intentional about creating a diverse and inclusive environment.

One way the church can promote diversity and inclusion is by accurately representing biblical characters. This means depicting them as they were in the Bible, without whitewashing them. It also means celebrating the rich cultural heritage of people of color and recognizing their unique contributions to the body of Christ.

The church should also be intentional about creating a safe space for minorities to share their experiences and concerns. This means listening to their stories and acknowledging their struggles. It also means creating opportunities for minorities to lead and serve in the church.

In Conclusion

Whitewashing biblical characters is a harmful practice that has had a profound effect on minority communities. It perpetuates the harmful idea that white is superior to other races and erases the rich cultural heritage of people of color. Accurate representation is essential in promoting diversity and inclusion in Christian spaces. The church has a crucial role to play in promoting diversity and inclusion by accurately representing biblical characters and creating a safe space for minorities to share their experiences and concerns. The Bible teaches us that diversity is a gift from God and that God's love is for all people, regardless of their race or ethnicity. It is our responsibility as Christians to promote diversity and inclusion in all areas of our lives.

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