Prophecy for Beginners: Understanding and Utilizing the Gift of Prophecy Today

Prophecy for Beginners: Understanding and Utilizing the Gift of Prophecy Today

Prophecy is a gift of the Holy Spirit that has existed since the early church, and it continues to be a powerful tool for believers today. Many people are intimidated or confused by the idea of prophecy, but with the right understanding and guidance, it can become a valuable asset to your spiritual life. In this article, we will explore what prophecy is, how it works, and how you can begin to utilize this gift in your own life.

What is Prophecy?

Prophecy is the ability to receive and communicate a message from God. It is not simply a prediction of the future, but can also include words of encouragement, edification, and correction. Prophecy can come in many forms, including dreams, visions, impressions, or audible messages. It is important to note that prophecy should always be in line with the character and teachings of God as revealed in the Bible.

One of the most well-known examples of prophecy in the Bible is the prophet Isaiah. He received many messages from God and was tasked with communicating them to Israel. One of his most famous prophecies is found in Isaiah 7:14, where he predicts the coming of a savior: “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” This prophecy was fulfilled hundreds of years later with the birth of Jesus.

How Prophecy Works

Prophecy is a supernatural gift that operates through the Holy Spirit. When a person receives a message from God, it is often accompanied by a sense of conviction or urgency to share that message with others. The person may also experience physical sensations such as trembling or shaking as they receive the message. It is important to distinguish between the gift of prophecy and personal intuition or opinion. Prophecy should always be tested against the teachings of the Bible and the guidance of other mature believers.

In 1 Corinthians 14, Paul gives instructions for the use of prophecy in the church. He emphasizes the importance of using the gift to build up the body of Christ and to give glory to God. He also cautions against using prophecy to elevate oneself or to cause confusion or division. Paul encourages believers to eagerly desire the gift of prophecy, but to use it with wisdom and discernment.

How to Utilize Prophecy in Your Life

If you feel called to explore the gift of prophecy, there are several steps you can take to begin utilizing it in your life:

1. Seek God’s Guidance

Prayer and a close relationship with God are essential for anyone seeking to utilize the gift of prophecy. Spend time in prayer and meditation, asking God to reveal His will and guidance for your life. Ask Him to reveal any areas of sin or hindrance that may be blocking your ability to hear from Him.

2. Study the Bible

Prophecy should always be in line with the teachings and character of God as revealed in the Bible. Spend time studying Scripture and familiarizing yourself with God’s character and His ways. This will help you to discern whether a message you receive is truly from God or simply your own thoughts or opinions.

3. Seek Accountability

It is important to have accountability in your use of the gift of prophecy. Seek out mature believers who can help guide you and offer wisdom and discernment. Submit any messages you receive to them for feedback and guidance.

4. Step Out in Faith

As you begin to receive messages from God, step out in faith and share them with others. This can be a scary and vulnerable experience, but remember that the gift of prophecy is meant to build up the body of Christ. Trust that God will use your words to encourage, edify, and bring correction when necessary.

Common Questions About Prophecy

Is prophecy still relevant today?

Yes, prophecy is still a relevant gift for believers today. In fact, Paul encourages believers to eagerly desire the gift of prophecy in 1 Corinthians 14:1. Prophecy serves as a valuable tool for building up the body of Christ and giving glory to God.

Do all believers have the gift of prophecy?

No, not all believers have the gift of prophecy. In 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Paul lists several gifts of the Holy Spirit, including prophecy, but emphasizes that not all believers will have the same gifts. The Holy Spirit distributes gifts as He sees fit for the building up of the body of Christ.

How can I distinguish between a true message from God and my own thoughts or opinions?

Discernment is an important aspect of utilizing the gift of prophecy. Spend time studying the Bible and familiarizing yourself with God’s character and ways. Seek the guidance of mature believers and submit any messages you receive to them for feedback and guidance. Remember that prophecy should always be in line with the teachings and character of God as revealed in the Bible.

What should I do if I receive a message that doesn’t seem to line up with the Bible?

If you receive a message that doesn’t seem to line up with the Bible, it is important to exercise caution and seek guidance from mature believers. It is possible that the message is not from God, but rather from your own thoughts or from an outside influence. Always test any message against the teachings of the Bible and seek the guidance of other mature believers.


Prophecy is a gift of the Holy Spirit that has existed since the early church and continues to be a valuable tool for believers today. It is the ability to receive and communicate a message from God that is in line with His character and teachings. If you feel called to explore the gift of prophecy, seek God’s guidance, study the Bible, seek accountability, and step out in faith. Remember that the gift of prophecy is meant to build up the body of Christ and give glory to God.

As with any spiritual gift, the use of prophecy requires wisdom, discernment, and humility. With the right understanding and guidance, prophecy can become a powerful tool for your spiritual growth and for the building up of the body of Christ.

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