Abortion: A Biblical Perspective on the Sanctity of Human Life

Abortion: A Biblical Perspective on Killing Children

Abortion has been a controversial topic for decades. The debate over whether it is morally acceptable to terminate a pregnancy has polarized society. Nevertheless, the Bible provides a clear perspective on the issue of abortion, and as believers, we should seek to apply biblical principles to the matter.

One of the fundamental biblical principles of justice is that the more we know that our action is wrong, the more guilty we are and the more deserving of punishment (Luke 12:47–48). Therefore, when it comes to abortion, we know what we are doing. All of us know that we are killing children, whether we are pro-choice or pro-life.

The Supreme Court's Decision on Abortion

Forty-five years ago, the Supreme Court made abortion on demand untouchable by law in the United States. The landmark decision in Roe v. Wade legalized abortion and established the right to privacy in reproductive decisions. The Court's decision was based on two steps.

The first step was to say that laws may not prevent abortion, even during the full nine months, if the abortion is "to preserve the life or health of the mother." The second step was to define "health" as "all factors — physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman's age — relevant to the well-being of the patient."

For 40 years, this has meant that any perceived stress is a legal ground for eliminating the life of a developing child. The legal framework has allowed the deaths of millions of children, and it is not justifiable from a biblical perspective.

The Biblical Perspective on Abortion

The Bible clearly teaches that all human life is valuable and sacred because it is made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26–27; 9:6). Therefore, taking the life of an innocent person is a grave sin in the sight of God.

In the Bible, the word for abortion is not used explicitly. However, the Bible teaches that a fetus is a living being. Psalm 139:13–16 says, "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them."

This passage shows that God is actively involved in the formation of a child in the mother's womb. The child is not a mere collection of cells, but a unique and valuable individual created by God. Therefore, any attempt to terminate the life of a developing child is a direct attack on God's creation.

Moreover, the Bible teaches that God has a purpose for every human life. Jeremiah 1:5 says, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations." This verse shows that God has a plan for every child, even before they are born. Therefore, any attempt to end the life of a developing child is a direct attack on God's plan and purpose.

The Sanctity of Human Life

The sanctity of human life is a fundamental biblical principle that must guide our thinking and actions. The Bible teaches that human life is valuable, and every person has the right to life from conception to natural death.

The Ten Commandments state, "You shall not murder" (Exodus 20:13). This commandment is a clear indication that taking the life of another person is a grave sin. The Bible also teaches that the shedding of innocent blood is an abomination to God (Proverbs 6:16–17).

Therefore, as believers, we must uphold the sanctity of human life and speak out against any attempt to devalue or destroy it. We must be the voice of the voiceless and defend the rights of the unborn.

The Role of the Church

The church has a crucial role to play in the fight against abortion. As believers, we are called to be a light in the darkness and to stand up for what is right and just. The church must speak out against the evil of abortion and provide support and care for women facing unplanned pregnancies.

The church must also be a place of healing for those who have experienced the pain of abortion. Many women who have had abortions carry the burden of guilt and shame. The church must offer compassion, forgiveness, and restoration to those who seek it.

Moreover, the church must equip believers to engage in the public square and advocate for policies that uphold the sanctity of human life. We must vote for pro-life candidates and support organizations that promote the value of every human life.


The issue of abortion is complex and controversial, but as believers, we must seek to apply biblical principles to the matter. The Bible teaches that every human life is valuable and sacred, and we must uphold the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death.

We must speak out against the evil of abortion and provide support and care for women facing unplanned pregnancies. Moreover, we must be a place of healing for those who have experienced the pain of abortion.

As we stand for the sanctity of human life, we must also remember that we are all sinners in need of God's grace. We must extend grace and compassion to those who do not share our views and seek to engage in respectful dialogue and debate.

May we be a people who uphold the sanctity of human life and seek to honor God in all that we do.

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