Powerful Prayers for Parenting: Finding Guidance in Jesus's Prayer in John 17

As parents, there are times when we feel like we're in a battle zone, desperately trying to hold onto the reins of a runaway horse. Our once warm and loving conversations have been replaced with daily arguments and negotiations over boundaries. It's during these challenging times that we realize the importance of prayer in our parenting journey. But sometimes, we struggle with knowing what to pray for and how to pray it.

During a particularly difficult season with our teenage children, my husband and I found ourselves questioning our own prayers. Were our motives pure? Did we even know what to ask God for? It was in this moment of uncertainty that we turned to Jesus's prayer for his disciples in John 17. His words became a lifeline for us, guiding our prayers and reminding us of the greater concerns at hand.

1. Lord, they are yours.

In John 17:6, Jesus acknowledges that his disciples were given to him by God. This realization allowed him to trust in God's perfect love and care for them. As parents, it's important for us to remember that our children are ultimately God's. We can entrust them to His care, knowing that His love for them far surpasses our own. This admission helps to quiet our hearts and reminds us of the power of God's word and Spirit in their lives.

2. Lord, make us one.

Jesus prayed for unity among his disciples in John 17:11. He recognized the divided world they lived in and desired for them to be one, just as he and the Father are one. This prayer for unity extends to us and our families as well. In a world filled with division, it's crucial for us to pray for unity within our families and among believers. We should pray that Jesus himself would unite us, despite our differences and distances. This prayer for oneness also applies to the internal integrity and spiritual formation of our young adults. We can pray that their hearts would be focused on one thing - the glory of God.

3. Lord, keep them from evil.

Jesus prayed for protection for his disciples in John 17:15. He knew that they would have to navigate the messiness of the world, but he trusted in God's power to keep them pure and faithful. As parents, we understand the fear of our children falling into evil or making poor choices. Instead of allowing our imaginations to run wild with worst-case scenarios, we can follow the advice of Paul Miller in "A Praying Life." By turning our anxiety toward God, we slip into continuous praying. This constant communication with God helps us entrust our children to His protection and guidance.

4. Lord, give them your joy.

In John 17:13, Jesus prayed for his disciples to have his joy fulfilled in themselves. He knew that joy could be hard to find in a world filled with hatred. This prayer for joy applies to our teenagers as well. Despite their access to modern conveniences, they can still struggle with dissatisfaction and discontentment. We can pray that they would find their greatest joy in God and that their satisfaction in Him would bring glory to His name. Our children's joy is intimately connected to their willingness to cooperate with God and fulfill His will for their lives.

5. Lord, make them holy.

Jesus prayed for his disciples to be sanctified in the truth, with God's word as the ultimate truth (John 17:17). As parents, we can pray that our teenagers would pursue truth through God's word. We can encourage them to engage with Scripture, introduce them to classic Christian literature, and recommend podcasts that provide a feast of truth. When we pray over an open Bible, the words of Scripture wrap themselves around the desires of our hearts, giving us the words we need. Jesus ended his prayer by offering himself, fully dedicated to the Father's will. This is the example we can set for our teenagers - a single-minded determination to follow Christ. Though we may stumble along the way, the joy of traveling towards Christ together is immeasurable.

In conclusion, prayer is a vital part of parenting, especially during challenging seasons. When we find ourselves unsure of what to pray for, we can turn to Jesus's prayer in John 17 for guidance. His words remind us that our children ultimately belong to God and that His love for them is greater than our own. We can pray for unity, protection from evil, joy, and a pursuit of holiness through God's word. By praying with open Bibles, we align our hearts with God's desires and find the words we need. As parents, let us continue to trust in God's faithfulness and cling to the hope found in prayer.
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