Discerning God's Call: Cross-Cultural Missions & Your Role

Have you ever felt a deep calling to cross-cultural missions? To step out of your comfort zone and share the love of Jesus Christ with people from different cultures and backgrounds? If so, you are not alone. The Bible tells us that Jesus commanded his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). This call to missions is not just for a select few, but for all believers who are willing to step out in faith and follow God's leading.

But how do you know if God is calling you to cross-cultural missions? Is there a specific sign or feeling that you should be looking for? While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, there are some common ways in which God communicates his call to missions.

First and foremost, God speaks to us through his Word, the Bible. The Scriptures are filled with stories of God's people being called to go and share his message with others. For example, in Isaiah 6:8, the prophet hears the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" And Isaiah responds, "Here am I! Send me." This passage shows us that God desires willing hearts who are ready to go wherever he sends them.

Similarly, the apostle Paul's calling to missions was confirmed and clarified by his meditation on Scripture. In Romans 15:20-22, he quotes Isaiah 52:15 as a confirmation of his ambition to preach the gospel where Christ has not been named. Paul's personal calling was rooted in Scripture, and he knew that he was called to go and make disciples among the Gentiles.

So, as you discern God's call to missions, spend time in the Word, meditating on passages that speak to the Great Commission and the importance of sharing the gospel with all people. Allow the Scriptures to shape your heart and mind, and seek God's guidance through prayer and reflection.

In addition to the Word, God may also speak to you through a burning desire or burden for a specific people group or country. Are there particular people or places that continually come to your mind and heart? Do you find yourself longing to see the gospel proclaimed among a certain group of people? This could be a sign that God is calling you to take part in cross-cultural missions.

Think of it like this: imagine you are sitting in a room with several doors. Each door represents a different opportunity for missions. As you look at the doors, one stands out to you. It catches your attention and tugs at your heart. This door represents a specific people group or country that you feel a deep burden for. This burden may be accompanied by a sense of urgency or a desire to see God's glory proclaimed among them. Pay attention to these feelings and desires, as they may be indications of God's calling on your life.

Furthermore, God may confirm his call to missions through the counsel and affirmation of other believers. Seek out trusted mentors, pastors, and friends who can provide wise counsel and guidance as you discern God's leading. Share your burden and desires with them, and ask for their insights and prayers. They may be able to offer valuable perspectives and help confirm whether or not God is indeed calling you to cross-cultural missions.

Ultimately, the call to cross-cultural missions is a deeply personal and individual one. It may not look the same for everyone, and that's okay. God equips and calls each of us in unique ways to fulfill his purposes. What matters is that you are willing to listen to his voice, seek his guidance, and step out in faith.

As you consider God's call to cross-cultural missions, it's important to count the costs and consider the blessings. Jesus himself warned his disciples of the challenges and hardships they would face in their mission to proclaim the gospel. In Matthew 10:16-31, he outlines the costs of following him, including persecution, betrayal, and even death.

But amidst these costs, Jesus also promises blessings. He assures his disciples that they will be given the words to speak by the Spirit of God (Matthew 10:19-20). He promises that those who endure to the end will be saved (Matthew 10:22). And he reminds them that their heavenly Father cares for them and values them (Matthew 10:29-31).

Throughout history, countless missionaries have counted the costs and risks of cross-cultural missions because they believe that the blessings far outweigh them. They have seen lives transformed, communities impacted, and the glory of God proclaimed among unreached people groups. They have experienced the joy of being sent by Christ, the guidance of the Spirit, and the love and care of their heavenly Father.

So, as you discern God's call to cross-cultural missions, consider the costs and blessings. Are you willing to face persecution and hardship for the sake of the gospel? Are you willing to leave behind family and friends to follow God's calling? Do you have a deep desire to see God's glory proclaimed among unreached people groups?

If the answer to these questions is yes, then it may be that God is indeed calling you to cross-cultural missions. Take time to pray, seek counsel, and meditate on Scripture. Allow God to confirm his calling in your heart and provide the courage and strength to step out in faith.

Remember, the call to cross-cultural missions is not reserved for a select few. It is a call that extends to all believers who are willing to follow God's leading and share the love of Jesus with the world. So, if you feel that God is calling you to missions, embrace it with joy and anticipation. Step out in faith, knowing that God will be with you every step of the way, and that the rewards far outweigh the costs.
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