Is My Christian Life Just a Dream? Avoiding the Danger of Imagining and Living Authentic Faith

Is My Christian Life Just a Dream?

Have you ever had a dream that felt so real, only to wake up and realize it was just an illusion? Sometimes, our spiritual lives can feel the same way. We may imagine ourselves as wholehearted followers of Jesus, but in reality, we are far from it.

The Danger of Imagining

In his book "Christianity for Modern Pagans," Peter Kreeft warns us about the danger of imagining ourselves as devoted Christians without actually living it out. He says, "We can easily imagine, think of, contemplate, and be attracted to the idea of giving our whole selves and lives over to God without actually doing it, and think we have done it because we have imagined it" (234).

It's easy to be attracted to the idea of surrendering everything to God. We can have emotional experiences, make grand promises, and even have moments of intense devotion. But if our actions don't align with our imaginations, we are living in a dangerous illusion.

Starting the Journey

Many people start their Christian journey with great enthusiasm. They attend church, read the Bible, and pray regularly. They may even make sacrifices and serve others. But somewhere along the way, they get distracted by the cares of this world. Their enthusiasm fades, and they fall short of fully giving themselves to Christ.

Jesus warned about this in the parable of the sower. He spoke of seeds that fell on rocky ground, among thorns, and on good soil. Only the seeds that fell on good soil produced a fruitful harvest (Matthew 13:1-23). Similarly, many start the Christian race but fail to reach the finish line.

False Assurance

What's even more alarming is that some people who refuse to give their whole selves to Christ may die without realizing it. They may think they are living as wholehearted disciples because they have imagined it. Just as a dream feels real while we are in it, they may believe they are living out their faith, but in reality, they are living in a deceptive fantasy.

The apostle John warns us about this in his first epistle. He writes, "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us" (1 John 2:19). This verse reminds us that those who truly belong to Christ will continue in their faith until the end.

Wake Up and Live

So, how do we ensure that our Christian life is not just a dream? How do we avoid the danger of imagining ourselves as devoted disciples without actually living it out?

First, we need to examine our hearts and motives. Are we genuinely surrendering everything to God, or are we just caught up in the emotions of the moment? Are we seeking to follow Jesus with our whole being, or are we holding back certain areas of our lives?

Second, we need to cultivate a daily relationship with God. This involves spending time in prayer, reading and meditating on His Word, and seeking His will in all things. It's not enough to have sporadic moments of devotion; we need to consistently walk with Him and seek His guidance.

Third, we need to be part of a community of believers who can encourage and challenge us in our faith. We are not meant to walk this journey alone. Surrounding ourselves with fellow Christians who are also striving to live wholeheartedly for Christ can help us stay accountable and grow in our faith.


As we navigate our Christian journey, let's not be deceived by the allure of imagination. Let's not settle for a life that is merely a dream. Instead, let's wake up and live out our faith in a way that is authentic and wholehearted. Let's surrender every area of our lives to God and seek to follow Him with our whole being. May we continue in our faith until the end, knowing that true discipleship is not a dream but a reality that transforms every aspect of our lives.

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