Humbling Yourself Through Fasting: A Path to Spiritual Growth and Intimacy with God

Humble Yourself and Fast

Are you wondering if you possess humility? It’s a challenging question to answer. Humble individuals don’t typically spend much time contemplating their own humility. However, it can be beneficial to occasionally reflect on this aspect of our character. Let's start by asking ourselves, "When was the last time we engaged in fasting?"

Fasting, according to the Bible, is an act of self-humbling. Prayer, on the other hand, is the quintessential act of self-humbling as we acknowledge our limitations and attribute ultimate power to God. In times of extraordinary desperation, prayer can take on a greater intensity that further humbles us. Interestingly, these instances of fervent prayer in the Bible are often accompanied by fasting.

Therefore, fasting can serve as an indicator of genuine humility. Whether you are considering fasting again or for the first time, approaching it as an act of self-humbling can lead to a deeper understanding of its significance.

Benefits of Fasting

While fasting is primarily a spiritual discipline, it also offers various physical and mental benefits. Here are some reasons why fasting can be beneficial:

1. Spiritual Growth and Intimacy with God

Fasting allows us to set aside dedicated time to seek God wholeheartedly. It helps us prioritize our relationship with Him and opens the door for deeper intimacy. Just as fasting humbles us, it can also create a space for God to work in our lives, revealing His wisdom, guidance, and presence.

2. Discipline and Self-Control

Fasting requires discipline and self-control. By willingly abstaining from food or certain activities, we develop these important virtues. As we exercise self-control in fasting, we can also apply it to other areas of our lives, such as managing our emotions, habits, and desires.

3. Increased Sensitivity to God's Voice

When we fast, our physical hunger reminds us to turn our attention to God. As we deny ourselves earthly nourishment, we become more attuned to His voice and promptings. Fasting amplifies our spiritual senses, allowing us to discern and understand God's will more clearly.

4. Breaking Strongholds and Bondages

Fasting can be a powerful tool in breaking strongholds and bondages in our lives. It helps us overcome addictions, unhealthy patterns, and sinful behaviors. Through fasting, we surrender our weaknesses to God, inviting His transformative power to break chains and bring freedom.

5. Renewed Focus on Eternity

As we temporarily set aside physical needs through fasting, our focus shifts towards eternal matters. We gain a fresh perspective on the brevity of life and the everlasting significance of our spiritual journey. Fasting reminds us to prioritize the things of God and align our priorities with His kingdom.

Examples of Fasting in the Bible

The Bible provides numerous examples of individuals and communities practicing fasting as an act of humility and seeking God. Here are a few notable examples:

1. Moses (Exodus 34:28)

Moses fasted for forty days and nights while in the presence of God on Mount Sinai. This extended fast deepened his intimacy with God and allowed him to receive the Ten Commandments and divine instructions for leading the Israelites.

2. Elijah (1 Kings 19:8)

After a confrontation with the prophets of Baal, Elijah fasted for forty days and nights in the wilderness. Through this act of self-humbling, he sought God's guidance and experienced His presence in a powerful way.

3. Daniel (Daniel 10:2-3)

Daniel fasted for three weeks, abstaining from pleasant food, meat, and wine. His purpose was to mourn and seek understanding from God. During this time, he received a vision and understanding of future events.

4. Esther (Esther 4:16)

Esther and the Jewish community in Persia fasted for three days and nights before she approached the king to intercede for her people. Their fasting demonstrated their humility, dependence on God, and earnest desire for His intervention.

Fasting in the 21st Century

Fasting is not limited to ancient times or specific cultures; it remains a relevant spiritual practice in the 21st century. As we navigate the challenges and complexities of modern life, fasting can provide a pathway to humility, spiritual growth, and a deeper relationship with God.

Additionally, scientific research has shed light on the physical and mental benefits of fasting. Intermittent fasting, for example, has gained popularity for its potential health benefits, including weight management, improved insulin sensitivity, and enhanced mental clarity.

However, it is essential to remember that the primary purpose of fasting is not solely for physical benefits but for spiritual growth and intimacy with God. The physical benefits can be seen as secondary blessings that accompany the spiritual rewards.


Fasting is a powerful spiritual discipline that humbles us and draws us closer to God. It is an act of self-humbling that paves the way for spiritual growth, intimacy with God, and breakthroughs in our lives. By setting aside dedicated time for fasting, we prioritize our relationship with God and gain a renewed perspective on eternity.

As we enter the year 2023 and beyond, let us embrace fasting as a relevant and impactful practice in our spiritual journey. May we humble ourselves before God, seek His face, and experience the transformative power of fasting in our lives.

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