God's Pride: Why He's Not Ashamed to Be Called Our God

God is not ashamed to be called our God. What a remarkable statement! As believers, we should desire for God to say these very words about us. We long for God to be proud to be called our God. But how do we achieve this? What makes God proud to be our God?

In the book of Hebrews, the author provides some insight into this question. In Hebrews 11:16, we read, "But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city." This verse reveals two reasons why God is not ashamed to be called our God.

The first reason is that God has done something for us. He has prepared a city for us. This city is the heavenly city, a place designed and built by God himself. It is a place where we will dwell with him for eternity. This act of preparation demonstrates God's love and care for us. He has gone to great lengths to ensure that we have a heavenly home. This should fill us with gratitude and awe.

The second reason why God is not ashamed to be called our God is our desire for a better country. We long for a heavenly country, a place where God reigns supreme. This desire sets us apart from the world and shows our allegiance to God. When we prioritize our desire for the heavenly city over the things of this world, God takes pride in being our God. He sees our hearts and knows that we truly seek after him above all else.

So how do we cultivate this desire for the heavenly city? How do we make God proud to be our God? It starts with fixing our eyes on the better country, the city of God. We must shift our focus from the temporary pleasures and pursuits of this world to the eternal glory that awaits us. We need to remind ourselves daily of the promises God has made to us and the hope we have in Christ.

It's easy to get caught up in the busyness and distractions of life. We can easily become consumed with the things of this world and lose sight of our ultimate destination. But when we intentionally set our minds on the heavenly city, when we long for God's presence above all else, we become a people whom God is proud to call his own.

Think of it this way: imagine you were invited to a prestigious event, and the host introduced you to everyone as their friend. How would that make you feel? You would likely feel a sense of honor and pride. You would be thrilled that the host was proud to call you their friend. In the same way, when God introduces himself as our God, when he proudly declares his relationship with us, it should fill us with joy and gratitude.

But remember, this pride that God feels for us is not based on our own merits or accomplishments. It is not because we have earned his favor or done something to deserve his love. No, God's pride in us is rooted in his grace and mercy. It is a reflection of his character, not ours. He loves us unconditionally and is proud to be our God simply because he is good and loving.

So, let us fix our eyes on the heavenly city. Let us desire it with all our hearts. Let us prioritize our relationship with God above all else. And in doing so, let us become a people whom God is not ashamed to call his own. May he proudly declare, "I am not ashamed to be called your God."
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