Battling Despair: Learning from Jesus' Example in Gethsemane

The night before Jesus was crucified, the Bible gives us a remarkable insight into His soul. It shows us how Jesus fought against despondency and depression. In Matthew 26:37, it says, "And taking with him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, he began to be sorrowful and troubled." Let's learn from Jesus' example and see how He strategically battled against these feelings.

First, Jesus chose some close friends to be with Him. He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee with Him. This shows us the importance of having a support system in times of struggle. We all need people who can be there for us and support us during difficult times.

Next, Jesus opened His soul to His friends. He didn't hide His feelings or pretend to be strong. He said to them, "My soul is very sorrowful, even to death." Jesus was honest and vulnerable with His friends, and we can learn from His example. It's important to share our struggles with trusted friends who can provide comfort and encouragement.

Jesus also asked for His friends' intercession and partnership in the battle. He said to them, "Remain here, and watch with me." Jesus understood the power of prayer and the importance of having others pray for Him. We should seek the prayers of others when we are going through difficult times. Prayer is a powerful weapon in our fight against despair.

In addition to seeking support from His friends, Jesus poured out His heart to His Father in prayer. He said, "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me." Jesus was honest with God about His desires and His struggles. He didn't hold anything back. We should follow His example and pour out our hearts to God in prayer. He is always there to listen and to comfort us.

But Jesus didn't stop at pouring out His heart to His Father. He also rested His soul in the sovereign wisdom of God. He said, "Nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will." Jesus trusted in God's plan and surrendered His own desires to God's will. This is a powerful lesson for us. When we are facing despair, we need to trust in God's wisdom and surrender our own desires to His will.

Finally, Jesus fixed His eyes on the glorious future grace that awaited Him on the other side of the cross. Hebrews 12:2 says, "For the joy that was set before him [he] endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God." Jesus had a hope and a future joy that carried Him through His darkest moments. We too can find hope and strength in the promises of God. We can fix our eyes on the joy that awaits us in eternity and allow that to sustain us in our present struggles.

When we face challenges that threaten our future, we must remember that the initial shockwaves of despair are not sinful. It is how we respond to them that matters. Giving in to despair and putting up no spiritual fight is the real danger. The root of this surrender is unbelief - a failure to fight for faith in future grace. We must fight against unbelief and choose to trust in God's promises.

In Gethsemane, Jesus shows us a different way. It is not a painless or passive way, but it is the way of faith and trust in God. We should follow His example. Find trusted spiritual friends who can support and pray for you. Be honest and open about your struggles. Pour out your heart to God in prayer. Rest in His sovereign wisdom. And fix your eyes on the joy that awaits you in eternity.

In conclusion, when we face despair and depression, we can learn from Jesus' example. We should seek support from trusted friends, open our souls to them, ask for their prayers, pour out our hearts to God, trust in His wisdom, and fix our eyes on the joy that awaits us in eternity. By following Jesus' example, we can find hope and strength in the midst of our struggles.
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