Experiencing the Glory of God: Taste and See His Goodness

Have you ever tasted the glory of God? Have you experienced His goodness in your life? If not, I want to assure you that you have tasted many appetizers of His glory. Every desire, every beautiful experience you have had, is a glimpse of the glory of heaven. The sky, a hug, a warm fire, nature's beauty, good food and drink - all of these are appetizers that point to the greatness of God.

But if you have only tasted the appetizers, I encourage you to go on to the main course. Truly experience the glory of God for yourself. Look beyond the shadows and see the substance. Look at the sun itself, not just its warm rays. Tune your heart to the original music of God's glory.

The best place to start is at the cross of Jesus Christ. It is at the cross that we see the most concentrated display of God's glory. The apostle John writes, "We have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth" (John 1:14). The cross is where God's love and justice meet, where His mercy and grace are poured out for all humanity.

When we look at Jesus in the Gospels, especially at the cross, our eyes are focused, our hearts are tuned, and our taste buds are awakened to the glory of God. The cross is where we see the ultimate display of God's love and sacrifice. It is where we see the depth of His grace and mercy. It is where we see the power of His resurrection and the hope of eternal life.

As we fix our eyes on the cross and truly experience the glory of God, we will begin to see and hear and taste His glory everywhere. We will see His handiwork in creation, His love in our relationships, His provision in our daily lives. We will hear His voice in His Word, in the stillness of prayer, and in the words of fellow believers. We will taste His goodness in the blessings He pours out on us.

The glory of God is not something to be taken lightly. It is the very purpose for which we were created. We were made to see and savor His glory. So, I urge you, don't throw your life away on shadows. Don't settle for the appetizers when the full banquet is available to you.

In the Bible, the psalmist declares, "Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!" (Psalm 34:8). This is an invitation to experience the goodness of God for ourselves. It is an invitation to go beyond mere knowledge and head knowledge and enter into a personal and intimate relationship with Him.

As we taste and see the goodness of God, we will find true satisfaction and fulfillment. Our hearts will be filled with joy and peace that surpasses all understanding. We will find purpose and meaning in our lives, knowing that we are loved and cherished by the Creator of the universe.

So, I encourage you today, take a step towards experiencing the glory of God. Look to Jesus, fix your eyes on the cross, and allow His love and grace to transform your life. Open your heart to His presence and seek Him with all your heart. Taste and see that the Lord is good, and you will never be the same again.

In conclusion, the glory of God is not something to be missed or overlooked. It is all around us, in the beauty of creation, in the love of family and friends, and most importantly, in the person of Jesus Christ. As we fix our eyes on Him, we will see His glory in everything and experience His goodness in our lives. So, I urge you, don't settle for the appetizers, but go on to the full banquet. Taste and see that the Lord is good, and your life will be forever changed.
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