Embracing the Messiness: Why I Love the Imperfect Church

Why I Love the Church: Embracing the Messiness and Imperfections


Have you ever experienced the joys and pains of being part of a church community? The church, despite its imperfections, has a unique and powerful role in the lives of believers. In this article, we will explore why I, as a dedicated member of the church for over twenty years, still love and embrace the messiness and imperfections that come with it.

Humbled by Those who are Hard to Love:

One of the remarkable aspects of the church is its diversity. People from different backgrounds, nationalities, socioeconomic statuses, and spiritual maturity levels come together in the church community. This diversity can sometimes bring challenges, especially when it comes to loving those who are hard to love.

In the midst of the messiness, the church presents an opportunity for growth. It teaches us to love beyond our comfort zones and to embrace individuals who may be difficult to relate to. Loving lovable people is easy, but associating with unlovable people in unlovable situations makes us marvel at the love of Christ. It forces us to grow in knowing and sharing that love.

Within the messiness of the church, we can find beautiful displays of forgiveness, compassion, humility, and reconciliation. These acts of love would never have been witnessed if it weren't for the messy interactions and relationships within the church. The church challenges us to extend grace and love to others, even when it's not easy.

Warned by Those who Fall Away:

In any church community, there are individuals who may fall away from the faith or struggle with their beliefs. Witnessing the consequences of their actions can be sobering and eye-opening. It is essential to understand that these individuals do not represent the entirety of the church.

As I encountered individuals who had fallen away or were falling away from the faith, I realized that their actions were not a reflection of the insufficiency of Christ's work in our church. Rather, it was an opportunity for compassion and prayer. Instead of judging them, I felt a deep desire to help and support them in their journey of faith.

If I had given up on the church at the first sign of trouble, I would have missed the opportunity to understand the root causes of the problems and the importance of striving in faith alongside other Christians. The struggles within the church community remind us of our own vulnerabilities and the need for continual growth and accountability.

Preparing to Love outside the Church:

The church is a training ground for learning to love others, even beyond its walls. As we navigate the messiness of relationships and disagreements within the church, we develop valuable skills that extend to all areas of our lives.

Through the challenges we face in the church community, we become more gracious and less judgmental. We learn to work through disagreements and conflicts with love and understanding. These lessons have a profound impact on how we interact with others in our workplaces, families, and communities.

The church equips us to love better, more fervently, and consistently. It teaches us the importance of forgiveness, reconciliation, and extending grace to others. These lessons extend far beyond the church walls and can have a transformative impact on our relationships and interactions with the world around us.

Loving What God Loves:

The ultimate reason for loving the church is that God loves the church. The Bible portrays the church as the bride of Christ, for whom He willingly gave His life (Acts 20:28; Ephesians 5:22–23; Revelation 21:2, 9–10; 22:17). If the one who had to die to make us holy is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters, how can we refuse to love those who, like us, are sinners in need of grace?

God's plan to reveal His grace to the world is not through a community of perfect people living in perfect harmony. Instead, it is through a community of flawed individuals who cling desperately to Jesus, even in the midst of their imperfections. When the church humbly acknowledges its weaknesses and relies on Christ's strength, powerful things can happen.

The apostle Paul, despite witnessing the messiness and imperfections of the early churches, gave his life to build and support them (Acts 20:24). He understood that the messiness of the church can be a platform for God's amazing grace to conquer our sins and transform us to reflect the image of Christ. When the world sees the transformative power of God's love within the messiness of the church, it can make Jesus look great.


In conclusion, the church is not perfect, and it will never be in this lifetime. It is a community of sinners who are sincerely but imperfectly following Christ. We encounter challenges, disagreements, and individuals who may fall away from the faith. However, within the messiness and imperfections of the church, there are opportunities for growth, forgiveness, compassion, and reconciliation.

The church teaches us to love beyond our comfort zones and to extend grace to others, even when it's difficult. It prepares us to love outside the church, impacting our relationships and interactions in all areas of life. Ultimately, we love the church because God loves the church. It is through the church that God reveals His grace and transforms lives.

So, despite the inconveniences, messiness, and sometimes painful experiences within the church, I still choose to love and embrace it. I believe that within the mess, we can find glimpses of God's amazing grace and the transformative power of His love. The church may not be perfect, but when we focus on Christ and His work within the church, even the mess can make Jesus look great.
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