Discerning Idolatry in Desire: Avoiding Wrong Ways of Enjoyment

Discerning Idolatry in Desire: Understanding the Wrong Ways of Enjoyment

As human beings, we all have desires and cravings that are innate to our nature. However, it is essential to understand that not all desires are right or acceptable in the eyes of God. In fact, some desires, if not adequately checked, can become idolatry, which is a sin in the Bible.

Idolatry is the practice of worshipping something or someone other than God. It is a sin that has plagued humanity for centuries, leading to the downfall of many individuals and nations. As Christians, our relationship with God is paramount, and anything that takes the place of God in our lives is considered idolatry.

In this article, we will explore the wrong ways of enjoyment and how they can lead to idolatry. We will also highlight some biblical references to help us discern when our desires have become idolatrous and how to avoid falling into this sin.

1. Enjoyment is Becoming Idolatrous When it is Forbidden by God

One of the primary ways that enjoyment can become idolatrous is when it goes against God's commandments. When we desire something that God has forbidden, we are essentially saying that our desires are more critical than God's commands. This is a clear example of idolatry.

The Bible is clear on what is right and wrong, and as Christians, we should strive to live by God's standards. For example, in Exodus 20:3-5, God commands us not to have any other gods before Him or to worship idols. He also warns that those who do so will face punishment.

Similarly, in Galatians 5:19-21, the Bible lists several sinful desires that Christians should avoid, such as sexual immorality, impurity, idolatry, and witchcraft. These desires are not only forbidden by God, but they also lead to destruction and separation from God.

Therefore, if we find ourselves desiring something that God has forbidden, we should confess our sin to God and ask for His forgiveness. We should also strive to avoid situations that could lead us to fall into temptation and seek accountability from other believers.

2. Enjoyment is Becoming Idolatrous When it Becomes a Source of Pride

Another way that enjoyment can become idolatrous is when it becomes a source of pride. When we become proud of what we have or what we can do, we are essentially saying that we are better than others and even God. This prideful attitude is a clear indication of idolatry.

Proverbs 16:18 warns that pride comes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Similarly, in 1 John 2:16, the Bible warns that the pride of life is not of the Father but is of the world. Therefore, Christians should be careful not to become proud of their achievements or possessions.

Instead, we should give credit to God for everything that we have and acknowledge that without Him, we can do nothing. We should also seek to serve others with our gifts and talents and use them to bring glory to God rather than ourselves.

3. Enjoyment is Becoming Idolatrous When it Becomes an Addiction

Another way that enjoyment can become idolatrous is when it becomes an addiction. When we become dependent on something or someone for our happiness, we are essentially saying that we cannot live without it. This addiction is a clear indication of idolatry.

The Bible warns against addiction in several places. In 1 Corinthians 6:12, Paul writes that everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. He warns against becoming a slave to anything. Similarly, in 1 Peter 5:8, the Bible warns that the devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.

Therefore, Christians should be careful not to become addicted to anything, whether it is drugs, alcohol, sex, or anything else. If we find ourselves struggling with addiction, we should seek help from other believers and professionals and ask for God's strength and guidance to overcome it.

4. Enjoyment is Becoming Idolatrous When it Becomes an Obsession

Another way that enjoyment can become idolatrous is when it becomes an obsession. When we become obsessed with something or someone, we are essentially saying that it is more important than anything else in our lives, including God. This obsession is a clear indication of idolatry.

The Bible warns against obsession in several places. In Ecclesiastes 5:10, Solomon writes that whoever loves money never has enough and that whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. Similarly, in Luke 12:15, Jesus warns against greed and covetousness.

Therefore, Christians should be careful not to become obsessed with anything, whether it is money, success, or relationships. Instead, we should seek to put God first in our lives and trust Him to provide us with everything that we need.


Enjoyment is a natural part of our lives, and there is nothing wrong with desiring good things. However, it is important to discern when our desires have become idolatrous and seek to avoid falling into this sin. We should strive to live according to God's commandments, give credit to God for everything that we have, avoid addiction and obsession, and put God first in our lives.

The Bible provides us with several warnings and examples of what happens when we fall into idolatry. Therefore, as Christians, we should take these warnings seriously and seek to live according to God's standards. We should also seek to help and encourage other believers to avoid falling into idolatry and to live lives that bring glory to God.

Finally, let us remember that our relationship with God is paramount, and anything that takes the place of God in our lives is considered idolatry. Let us strive to put God first in our lives and seek to enjoy the good things that He has given us in a way that brings glory to Him.

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