Connecting with Non-Christians: Breaking Down Barriers and Sharing Christ's Love

Are You Too Christian for Non-Christians? - Desiring God

Are You Too Christian for Non-Christians?

Published on January 1, 2023


When it comes to engaging with non-Christians, it's important to consider whether we are effectively communicating our faith or if we have become too isolated in our Christian bubble. In today's world of increasing secularism, it's crucial for Christians to be able to connect with those who do not share their beliefs.

Understanding the Disconnect

As Christians, we often find ourselves immersed in a culture that revolves around our faith. We attend church, participate in Bible studies, and surround ourselves with fellow believers. While these activities are important for our spiritual growth, they can inadvertently create a barrier between us and non-Christians.

Jesus said, "Go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19). This commandment implies that we should actively engage with those outside of our Christian circles. However, many Christians struggle to bridge the gap between their faith and the secular world.

Breaking Down Barriers

So how can we effectively engage with non-Christians without compromising our own beliefs? It starts with understanding their perspectives and being willing to meet them where they are. Instead of expecting them to conform to our Christian practices, we should seek to understand their worldviews and find common ground.

Jesus often met people where they were, engaging with tax collectors, sinners, and Samaritans. He didn't judge or condemn them, but rather showed them love and compassion. As Christians, we should strive to follow His example and build relationships with non-Christians based on love, respect, and understanding.

Practical Steps

  1. Listen and empathize: Take the time to listen to non-Christians and understand their concerns, doubts, and questions. Show empathy and let them know that you genuinely care about their well-being.

  2. Be open and transparent: Share your own struggles and doubts, and be honest about your faith journey. This vulnerability can help non-Christians see that faith is not about having all the answers, but rather about seeking truth and finding hope.

  3. Invite them into your life: Instead of only inviting non-Christians to church events, invite them to join you in everyday activities. This can help break down the barriers between "us" and "them" and show them that Christians are real people with real lives.

  4. Pray for them: Prayer is a powerful tool in reaching non-Christians. Pray for their hearts to be open to the truth and for opportunities to share your faith in a meaningful way.


As Christians, we are called to be salt and light in the world (Matthew 5:13-16). This means actively engaging with non-Christians and shining the light of Christ through our words and actions. By breaking down barriers, listening, being transparent, inviting others into our lives, and praying for them, we can effectively share the love and truth of the gospel with those who do not yet know Jesus.

Let us remember that Jesus himself spent time with non-believers, showing them love and compassion. In the same way, we should strive to connect with non-Christians and build genuine relationships that reflect the love of Christ.

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