Can We Trust Disney with Our Kids? A Critical Look at Their Influence

Do You Trust Disney with Your Kids?

A Critical Look at Disney's Influence on Children


Picture this: you're in a small provincial town, just like the one in the beloved childhood classic, Beauty and the Beast. But instead of baguettes and sheep, the town is filled with pitchforks and snarling dogs. The once-friendly smiles have turned into sneers. The townsfolk are now on a mission to "kill the beast!" They have been stirred up by Gaston, Belle's spurned suitor, who has convinced them that the beast must be destroyed.

Now, imagine this scene coming to life in real time as outraged parents react to the news that Disney's live-action production of Beauty and the Beast will feature the company's first "exclusively gay" moment. Suddenly, a beloved childhood classic becomes another battleground in the ongoing struggle to protect our children from the influences of the adult world.

But was this really a sudden revelation?

Disney's Influence

The concerns voiced by parents are understandable. Many were excited to share the magic of Beauty and the Beast with their children, only to be blindsided by this controversial addition. It raises the question: can we trust Disney with our kids?

For decades, Disney has been a dominant force in shaping popular culture. Their movies, characters, and theme parks have become ingrained in our society. Children are captivated by the enchanting stories and colorful animations. But behind the magic lies a powerful influence that can shape their worldview.

Disney has often been accused of promoting secular and humanistic values that don't align with biblical principles. As Christians, we are called to be discerning and guard our hearts and minds against anything that contradicts God's Word.

The Biblical Perspective

When it comes to raising our children, the Bible offers us guidance. Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." This verse emphasizes the importance of teaching our children the ways of the Lord from an early age.

As parents, we have a responsibility to be intentional about what we expose our children to. Philippians 4:8 instructs us, "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." This verse reminds us to focus on what is good and pure, aligning our thoughts with God's truth.

So, how does Disney's influence measure up against these biblical principles?

Evaluating Disney's Content

Disney movies often portray themes of love, friendship, and courage. These are positive values that align with biblical teachings. However, there are also instances where Disney promotes worldly ideas that contradict our faith.

One aspect of concern is the moral relativism often present in Disney narratives. This philosophy suggests that there are no absolute moral truths and that individuals have the freedom to define right and wrong for themselves. This goes against the biblical teaching that God's Word is the ultimate authority on morality.

Another issue is the portrayal of magic and supernatural powers. While Disney movies may present magic as a harmless form of entertainment, the Bible warns against involvement in the occult and witchcraft (Deuteronomy 18:10-12). As parents, we must be cautious about exposing our children to content that normalizes practices contrary to biblical principles.

Furthermore, the recent inclusion of an "exclusively gay" moment in Beauty and the Beast raises concerns about the normalization of homosexuality. The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin (Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:26-27). As parents striving to raise our children in accordance with God's Word, we must carefully consider the messages they are receiving from the media they consume.

Protecting Our Children

As parents, it is our responsibility to protect our children from harmful influences and guide them towards what is true and good. This does not mean sheltering them from the world, but rather equipping them to navigate it with a biblical worldview.

Here are some practical steps we can take:

  1. Be involved in your child's media consumption. Watch movies and shows with them, and discuss the content afterwards. This allows you to address any concerns or questions they may have.

  2. Teach your children discernment. Help them understand the difference between right and wrong, and encourage them to think critically about the messages they encounter in media.

  3. Encourage open communication. Create an environment where your children feel comfortable discussing their thoughts and concerns. This allows you to provide guidance and biblical perspective.

  4. Provide alternative sources of entertainment. Seek out movies, books, and activities that align with biblical values. There are many resources available that offer wholesome and uplifting content for children.

  5. Pray for discernment and wisdom. Ultimately, our reliance should be on God's guidance. Pray for discernment as you make decisions regarding your children's media consumption.


While Disney has undoubtedly created magical and memorable experiences for children, we must approach their influence with caution. As parents, our primary responsibility is to raise our children in accordance with God's Word. This means being discerning about the media they consume and actively shaping their worldview.

By being actively involved in our children's lives, teaching them biblical principles, and providing alternative sources of entertainment, we can help them navigate the world with a firm foundation in faith.

Ultimately, it is up to us to decide whether we trust Disney with our kids. Let us seek God's wisdom and guidance as we strive to protect and nurture the hearts and minds of our children.

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