Why Opposites Attract in Marriage: Benefits, Challenges, and How to Make It Work

Why Opposites Attract in Marriage

Marriage is a beautiful thing. It is a union between two people who love each other and are committed to spending the rest of their lives together. However, it is not always easy. Two people who are different in many ways are coming together to form a lifelong partnership. This can be challenging, but it is also what makes marriage so special.

One of the things that makes marriage unique is the way that opposites often attract. It is not uncommon for two people who are very different from each other to fall in love and get married. This may include differences in personality, interests, and values. While it may seem like these differences could cause problems in a marriage, they can actually be beneficial.

The Biblical Basis for Opposites Attracting

The idea that opposites attract is not a new one. In fact, it has been around for thousands of years. The Bible gives us examples of couples who were very different from each other but still had successful marriages.

One of the most well-known examples is the story of Ruth and Boaz. Ruth was a Moabite woman who was very different from the Israelite Boaz. Despite their differences, they fell in love and got married. Their marriage was blessed by God, and they became the ancestors of King David and ultimately, Jesus Christ.

Another example is the story of Mary and Joseph. Mary was a young, unmarried woman who was visited by an angel and told that she would conceive a child by the Holy Spirit. Joseph was a carpenter who was engaged to Mary but was initially skeptical of her story. Despite their differences, they stayed together and raised the Son of God.

These examples show us that God can use differences to bring people together and accomplish His purposes.

The Benefits of Opposites Attracting

While it may seem like having differences in a marriage could be a bad thing, there are actually many benefits to this. Here are some of the ways that opposites attracting can be beneficial:

1. Balance

When two people are different, they can balance each other out. One person may be more outgoing and social, while the other may be more introverted and reflective. Together, they can help each other find a balance between being too social and not social enough.

2. Growth

When two people are different, they can help each other grow. One person may be more disciplined and structured, while the other may be more spontaneous and creative. Together, they can help each other develop new skills and strengths.

3. Learning

When two people are different, they can learn from each other. One person may have knowledge and experience in a certain area, while the other may have knowledge and experience in a different area. Together, they can share their knowledge and learn from each other.

Challenges of Opposites Attracting

While there are many benefits to opposites attracting, there are also some challenges that come with it. Here are some of the challenges:

1. Communication

When two people are very different, they may have different communication styles. One person may be more direct and to the point, while the other may be more indirect and subtle. This can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

2. Conflict Resolution

When two people are very different, they may have different ways of resolving conflicts. One person may want to talk things out and come to a resolution, while the other may want to avoid conflict altogether. This can lead to unresolved issues and tension in the relationship.

3. Misunderstandings

When two people are very different, they may misunderstand each other. One person may say something that the other person interprets differently than intended. This can lead to hurt feelings and strain in the relationship.

How to Make Opposites Attracting Work

While there are challenges to opposites attracting, there are also ways to make it work. Here are some tips:

1. Understand and Appreciate Differences

One of the keys to making opposites attracting work is to understand and appreciate the differences between you and your spouse. Instead of seeing them as a problem, see them as an opportunity to learn, grow, and balance each other out.

2. Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is essential in any marriage, but it is especially important when two people are very different. Make sure that you are both on the same page and that you understand each other’s perspectives.

3. Compromise

In any marriage, compromise is necessary. When two people are very different, compromise becomes even more important. Be willing to give and take in order to find a solution that works for both of you.

4. Seek God’s Guidance

Ultimately, the key to making any marriage work is to seek God’s guidance. Pray together, read the Bible together, and seek wise counsel when necessary. God can use even our differences to bring us closer to Him and to each other.


Opposites attracting is a beautiful thing. It can bring balance, growth, and learning to a marriage. However, it can also bring challenges. By understanding and appreciating our differences, communicating effectively, compromising, and seeking God’s guidance, we can make our marriages work, even when we are very different from each other.

So, if you are in a marriage with someone who is very different from you, don’t be discouraged. Instead, see it as an opportunity for growth and learning. With God’s help, you can make your marriage work and bring glory to Him.

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