Bringing Children to Sunday Morning Worship: A Guide for Parents

Every Sunday morning, as the church doors swing open and the congregation gathers, there is an opportunity for a powerful encounter with God. This is a time when we come together as a community to worship and honor Him. In our church, we believe that God-centered worship is of utmost importance. It is a time when we approach God with reverence and expectation, banishing all that is flippant or trivial.

In this article, we want to discuss two important aspects of worship: the importance of parents bringing their children to the Sunday morning worship service and practical advice on how to do it effectively.

Bringing Children to Worship

One of the biggest stumbling blocks for children in worship is the lack of genuine love and reverence for God demonstrated by their parents. Children can sense the difference between duty and delight. Therefore, it is crucial for parents to fall in love with the worship of God themselves and model this passion to their children. As the saying goes, "You can't give what you don't have."

Worshiping together as a family also counters the fragmentation that is prevalent in today's society. With busy schedules and hectic lives, families often struggle to find quality time to spend together. By bringing children to worship, families can engage in a valuable activity as a unit, fostering togetherness and creating a sense of shared purpose.

Parents have the responsibility to teach their children the meaning and value of worship through their own example. Children should see how their parents bow their heads in prayer, sing praises to God with joy, and listen intently to His word. By being present in the worship service, children can catch the spirit and form of their parents' worship, leading them to develop their own personal relationship with God.

Some may argue that children may not fully understand or appreciate the worship service, but this should not deter parents from bringing them. While it is true that not everything may be comprehended by young minds, children have a remarkable capacity to absorb and learn. Even if they say they are bored, they are still absorbing valuable elements of worship. The music, words, and overall atmosphere become familiar to them, and they begin to grasp the message and form of the service. The prayers, songs, and sermons provide parents with unparalleled opportunities to teach their children the great truths of our faith.

Moreover, children should experience a sense of awe and reverence in the presence of God. This is unlikely to happen in a separate children's church setting. There is a certain solemnity and mystery that can only be experienced in a worship service. Children can be moved by the magnificence of God through moments of powerful hymns, silent contemplation, and authoritative preaching. By exposing children to these elements of worship, parents can cultivate a heart that both fears and loves God.

Practical Tips for Bringing Children to Worship

Now that we understand the importance of bringing children to worship, it is essential to discuss practical tips for making this experience successful for both parents and children.

1. Start Early: The training for worship begins in the home. Even before attending the worship service, parents can create a worshipful environment by praying before meals, reading Bible stories together, and engaging in family devotional times. These early experiences lay the foundation for children to understand the purpose and significance of worship.

2. Gradual Transition: Instead of immediately introducing children to the Sunday morning worship service, begin by attending special events or evening services. These gatherings can serve as a training ground for children to learn the expectations and behaviors associated with worship. Gradually increase their exposure to Sunday morning services over time.

3. Preparation: Anticipation and conversation before and after the service play a crucial role in helping children develop a love for worship. Discuss the Scripture passage that will be preached, familiarize them with the worship leaders, and highlight any special elements or guests. This pre-service preparation creates excitement and helps children feel connected to the service.

4. Active Participation: Encourage children to actively participate in the worship service. Provide them with a worship folder or bulletin and explain the different parts of the service listed inside. During the sermon, introduce the concept of "notetaking" and provide them with a special pad to jot down what they hear. As children grow older, their notetaking can progress from drawings to written phrases and outlines of the sermon.

5. Setting Expectations: Clearly communicate your expectations to your children. Teach them to sit or stand when appropriate, sit up straight and still, keep bulletin papers and Bibles quiet, and stay awake during the service. Encourage them to participate in singing along with the printed words or listening attentively if they cannot read yet.

6. Creating an Engaging Environment: Choose seats in the church where your children can have a clear view of the front without blocking the view of others. Keep necessary items such as Bibles, offering money, and worship folders within reach to minimize distractions. Sit close to your children and provide physical affection when appropriate, reinforcing the connection between worship and closeness to God.

7. Post-Service Reflection: After the service, take a moment to praise your child for their good behavior and participation. Highlight specific areas that went well and provide gentle guidance for improvement. If there were instances of disregard for established expectations, address them privately and administer appropriate consequences.


Bringing children to the Sunday morning worship service is a vital part of their spiritual development. As parents, it is our responsibility to model a genuine love for worship and to actively involve our children in this important aspect of our faith. By worshiping together as a family, we foster togetherness, create a sense of awe and reverence, and provide unparalleled opportunities for teaching and learning. With proper preparation, clear expectations, and a nurturing environment, children can grow to love and appreciate the worship of God. Let us strive to create a generation that cherishes the hour of worship and experiences the power of encountering God in the Sunday morning service.
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