Beholding the Majesty: Finding Joy in the Greatness of Jesus

Believers in Jesus are incredibly precious to God. We are His chosen ones, His beloved bride. The depth of God's love for us is beyond comprehension, and He desires to have a close and intimate relationship with each one of us. However, it is important to remember that while God makes much of us, He does so in a way that draws us closer to Him and magnifies His greatness.

Imagine for a moment that Jesus Himself came to spend the day with you. He sits down beside you on the couch and says, "I really love you." How would you respond? What would you focus on for the rest of the day?

Often, we can get caught up in the feeling of being loved. We repeat to ourselves, "He loves me! He loves me!" And while this is undoubtedly a source of joy, it should not be the pinnacle or the sole focus of our relationship with Jesus.

Instead, the greatest and most Christ-exalting joy would come from simply watching Jesus throughout the day and being utterly amazed by His greatness. We would burst with exclamations of, "You're amazing!" and "You are amazing!"

Think about it. Jesus has the answer to the most difficult questions. His wisdom is unparalleled and awe-inspiring. He can touch a filthy, oozing sore with compassion and heal it. He has the power to raise the dead, and even predicts future events with accuracy. He fearlessly sleeps during an earthquake, and with a simple statement, "Before Abraham was, I am," He reveals His divine nature.

As we walk alongside Jesus, we should be constantly amazed by what we see. His love for us is not merely an emotion or a feeling, but a deep desire to do everything necessary, including dying for us, so that we can marvel at Him and not be consumed by His glory. The acts of redemption, propitiation, forgiveness, justification, and reconciliation are all expressions of His love, but the ultimate goal of His love is for us to be with Him, to see His jaw-dropping glory, and to be astounded by all that He is.

Therefore, as pastors and teachers, we must push people beyond simply acknowledging the acts of Christ's love to the ultimate goal of His love. If we stop at redemption and forgiveness without leading people to the enjoyment of Jesus Himself, then we have missed the mark. The acts of love are meant to lead us to the feet of Jesus, where we can see and savor all that God is for us in Him.

This is exactly what Jesus prayed for in John 17:24 when He said, "Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory." Jesus longs for us to be with Him, to behold His glory, and to be captivated by His majesty.

So, let's fix our eyes on Jesus. Let's not settle for a shallow understanding of His love, but let's dive deep into the depths of His greatness. Let's be in constant awe of His wisdom, His power, His compassion, and His fearlessness. Let's be amazed by His words, His actions, and His very presence.

In conclusion, being loved by Jesus is indeed a cause for joy, but the true height of our joy is found in beholding His glory. Let's shift our focus from ourselves and our feelings to the incredible wonder of who Jesus is. Let's marvel at His love and let it lead us to a place of adoration and worship. May we echo the words of the psalmist in Psalm 27:4, "One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple."

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, and let His glory captivate our hearts and minds.
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