Becoming a Friend of Sinners: Tips for Embracing, Relating, and Sharing

Tips for Being a Friend of Sinners

Do you want to be a friend of sinners, just like Jesus was? In our world today, where division and judgment often prevail, being a friend to sinners can be a powerful testimony of God's love and grace. Here are three tips to help you navigate this journey.

1. Embrace Your Own Sinfulness

Before you can truly be a friend to sinners, you must first acknowledge your own sinfulness. As the Apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Recognizing your own need for forgiveness and grace humbles you and allows you to approach others with empathy and understanding. It's like being a doctor who has experienced the same illness as their patients. You can relate to their struggles and offer them the hope of healing.

So, take a moment to reflect on your own sinfulness. Ask God to reveal areas of your life where you may need His forgiveness and transformation. As you grow in your awareness of your own sin, you will become more compassionate and less judgmental towards others.

2. Seek Genuine Relationships

Being a friend of sinners means building genuine relationships with them. Jesus didn't just interact with sinners superficially; He went beyond societal boundaries and engaged with them on a personal level. He shared meals with tax collectors and spent time with people who were considered outcasts by society.

Similarly, we should actively seek out relationships with people who may be different from us or considered "sinners" by society's standards. This could include individuals struggling with addiction, those involved in immoral lifestyles, or people from different religious or cultural backgrounds.

When building these relationships, it's important to approach them with a genuine desire to understand and love the person, rather than trying to change or fix them. Listen to their stories, empathize with their struggles, and offer a listening ear without judgment. Remember, Jesus didn't come to condemn the world but to save it (John 3:17).

3. Share the Gospel with Love and Grace

As a friend of sinners, your ultimate goal should be to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them. However, this should be done with love and grace, avoiding any judgment or condemnation. Jesus didn't come to condemn sinners but to offer them forgiveness and eternal life.

When sharing the gospel, it's important to emphasize God's love and grace. Highlight how Jesus died for our sins and offers us forgiveness and a new life. Share your personal testimony of how Jesus has transformed your own life and how He can do the same for others.

Remember, the Holy Spirit is the one who convicts hearts and brings about true repentance. Your role is to plant seeds of truth and pray for God to work in their lives. Be patient and continue to show love and support, even if they don't immediately respond to the message.


Being a friend of sinners is not always easy, but it's a calling that Jesus has given to all His followers. As you embrace your own sinfulness, seek genuine relationships, and share the gospel with love and grace, you can be a powerful witness of God's love and redemption in a world that desperately needs it.

So, let us go forth and be friends of sinners, just as Jesus was. Let us be vessels of His love and grace, shining His light in the darkest places. And as we do so, may many find hope, forgiveness, and salvation in Jesus Christ.

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