Walking Away Lyrics Unspoken

Walking Away by Unspoken

Everything I ever wanted
It was there within my reach
I spent all I had to get it
And found it wasn't what I need

I'm walking away from the trouble
Walking away on the double
Cutting the ties, leaving behind the old life
I'm walking into a brighter light
Finding it all in You this time
I'm crossing the line, fixing my eyes on paradise
I'm walking away

You've led me out of my darkness
You fill my lungs again with air
With peace beyond my understanding
And now nothing will compare

I'm walking away from the trouble
Walking away on the double
Cutting the ties, leaving behind the old life
I'm walking into a brighter light
Finding it all in You this time
I'm crossing the line, fixing my eyes on paradise
I'm walking away

Pressing on, pressing on forward
Looking up, looking up toward the prize
Pressing on, pressing on forward
(Pressing on, pressing on and on)

Pressing on, pressing on forward
Looking up, looking up toward the prize
Pressing on, pressing on forward

I'm walking away from the trouble
Walking away on the double
Cutting the ties, leaving behind the old life
I'm walking into a brighter light
Finding it all in You this time
I'm crossing the line, fixing my eyes on paradise
I'm walking away, I'm fixing my eyes
I'm walking away, I'm fixing my eyes
I'm walking away, I'm fixing my eyes

Walking Away Video

Walking Away Info

"Walking Away" by Unspoken is a powerful song that speaks to the universal experience of seeking fulfillment in all the wrong places and ultimately finding true satisfaction in God. The lyrics convey a sense of longing and desperation, as the singer realizes that everything they once desired and pursued was empty and unsatisfying. This realization leads them to make the decision to walk away from the troubles of their past and embrace a new life in God.

The song opens with the singer acknowledging that they had everything they ever wanted within their reach. They had pursued worldly desires and spent all they had to obtain them, only to discover that it wasn't what they truly needed. This sentiment echoes the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 16:26, where He asks, "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?" The pursuit of worldly success and material possessions can never bring true fulfillment or satisfy the deepest longings of our hearts.

The chorus of the song emphasizes the act of walking away from the troubles and ties of the old life. It speaks of cutting the ties that bind us to our past mistakes and leaving behind the empty pursuits that have left us unfulfilled. This theme resonates with the Apostle Paul's words in Philippians 3:13-14, where he writes, "But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Walking away from our past and pressing on toward God allows us to experience the true prize of a relationship with Him.

As the song progresses, the singer expresses gratitude for being led out of darkness and into a life filled with peace and understanding. They acknowledge that nothing compares to the peace and fulfillment found in God. This aligns with the words of Jesus in John 14:27, where He promises, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid."

The bridge of the song encourages pressing on and looking toward the ultimate prize. It urges listeners to fix their eyes on paradise and keep moving forward. This concept echoes Hebrews 12:1-2, which encourages believers to "run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith." By fixing our eyes on Jesus, we can continue to press on and find the ultimate fulfillment and satisfaction that our souls long for.

In conclusion, "Walking Away" by Unspoken is a song that beautifully captures the journey of discovering that worldly pursuits are empty and unsatisfying. It encourages listeners to walk away from the troubles and ties of the old life and fix their eyes on the true source of fulfillment, which is a relationship with God. Through its lyrics, the song draws upon various scripture verses that emphasize the importance of seeking God's kingdom and finding peace and satisfaction in Him. It serves as a powerful reminder that true fulfillment can only be found when we walk away from the things of this world and walk into the light of God's love.
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