Watch And Pray Lyrics Twila Paris

Watch And Pray by Twila Paris

The enemy roams
Like a roaring lion
Looking for the sleeping
Looking for the sleeping

When he comes here
Let him find us keeping our promises
Holding to faithfulness
Down on our knees, eyes to the east

Watch and pray
No one knows the moment
No one knows the hour
Or the day

Watch and pray
Till you see Him coming
Coming through the clouds in white array
To take His bride away

The King will appear
With a shout of glory
All the earth awaking
All the earth awaking

Until He comes
Let us keep on taking the highest ground
Listening for the sound
Down on our knees, eyes to the east

Watch and pray
No one knows the moment
No one knows the hour
Or the day

Watch and pray
Till you see Him coming
Coming through the clouds in white array
To take His bride away

Behold the Bridegroom
Behold the Bridegroom
He is coming soon
Prepare Him room

Watch and pray
No one knows the moment
No one knows the hour
Or the day

Watch and pray
Till you see Him coming
Coming through the clouds in white array
To take His bride away

Watch and pray
No one knows the moment
No one knows the hour
Or the day

Watch and pray
Till you see Him coming
Coming through the clouds in white array
To take His bride away

Watch and pray
Till you see Him coming
Coming through the clouds in white array
To take His bride away

Watch And Pray Video

Watch And Pray Info

"Watch And Pray" is a powerful and inspiring song by Twila Paris that encourages believers to stay vigilant and faithful in their walk with God. The song draws its inspiration from the biblical teaching of Jesus in Matthew 26:41, where He tells His disciples to "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation."

The lyrics of the song beautifully capture the urgency and importance of being watchful and prayerful in our spiritual journey. Twila Paris uses vivid imagery to depict the reality of the enemy, who "roams like a roaring lion, looking for the sleeping." This imagery is taken from 1 Peter 5:8, where the apostle Peter warns believers to be alert because the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour.

The song emphasizes the need for believers to be awake and prepared for the return of Jesus. It encourages us to keep our promises and hold on to faithfulness in our relationship with God. The repeated phrase "Watch and pray" serves as a reminder that we should always be on guard, not knowing the exact moment or hour when Jesus will return.

One of the key messages of the song is the importance of staying connected to God through prayer. Twila Paris sings, "Down on our knees, eyes to the east," highlighting the posture of humility and reverence that is required in prayer. This echoes the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 6:6, where He instructs His followers to pray in secret, with their eyes focused on God.

The song also conveys a sense of anticipation and longing for the second coming of Christ. It reminds us that Jesus will appear with a shout of glory, and all the earth will awaken to His presence. This echoes the words of the apostle Paul in 1 Thessalonians 4:16, where he describes the glorious return of Jesus, with the sound of the trumpet and the voice of the archangel.

"Watch And Pray" serves as a call to action for believers to be prepared and ready for the return of Jesus. It urges us to live with a sense of urgency and purpose, knowing that our time on earth is limited and that eternity awaits us. The song encourages us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and to prepare a place for Him in our hearts, echoing the words of John 14:3 where Jesus promises to come back and take His bride away.

In conclusion, "Watch And Pray" by Twila Paris is a powerful and poignant song that reminds us of the importance of being watchful and prayerful in our spiritual journey. It draws inspiration from biblical teachings about being alert, staying connected to God through prayer, and eagerly anticipating the return of Jesus. The song serves as a reminder for believers to live with purpose, keeping our promises and holding on to faithfulness, as we await the glorious return of our Savior.
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